• Choosing High School Courses

    In January and February, your student will work with their teachers and counselors to choose courses for the next school year. It may feel early, but student course selection is the first step to planning the school year! Student choices make the world go 'round! It is important that students consider course choices with families and teachers. Course choices can be found in each school's course catalog found on the school website under Academics > Course Catalog.


8th to 9th Grade Orientation and Course Selection

  • Parents of current 8th grade students - click here

  • Graduation Requirements

    For the full list of graduation requirements, please see page: https://www.ops.org/Page/1641

    Below is an example of a student's 4-year high school schedule.


    Sample 4-Year Schedule

    Sample 4-year schedule

    Interests, Passions, and ExplorationCCAP Logo

    In addition to graduation requirements, students also have the opportunity to pick elective classes. Picking electives can help your child discover new interests or reinforce favorites. Electives aren't just about getting credits – they're a chance for your child to dive into things they're curious about or passionate about. Encourage them to explore a mix of subjects, from arts to technology, and find what clicks. Choosing classes that excite them not only makes high school more enjoyable but also helps them grow personally. Taking a series of three academy or pathway courses allows students to deeply experience a variety of classes and experiences. Explore elective options in the school's course catalog found at the school website under Academics > Course Catalog.


    Advanced Academics

    Our schools have a variety of AP, Honors, Dual Enrollment, and other Advanced Academic options (IB, Cambridge, Early College). Options will vary based on staffing and programs. Some of these will provide both high school and college credit. Planning these can be a big decision! Help your child figure it out by considering what they love, how much time they can commit, and their academic goals. These classes can be awesome for diving deeper into a subject and even earning college credit. But, it's important to find the right balance. Make sure your child talks to teachers, counselors, and maybe even friends who have taken these classes to get the scoop. The key is to choose what feels right for them, making learning exciting and enjoyable while still keeping a healthy balance in their life.


    Choices, Changes, and Schedule Conflicts

    Once all students have selected classes for the next school year, school leaders will start planning the school schedule. Based on student requests and staffing, school leaders figure out which classes will be offered and when.

    Following spring course selection, students can adjust courses based on conflicts in their schedules. After school administrators set the school schedule, course changes are only allowed under the following circumstances:

    1. If a course was completed during Next Level Learning in the Summer.
    2. If the student must repeat a course that was failed during the previous school year.
    3. If there is a schedule conflict that cannot be adjusted without dropping or changing a course.
    4. If a student needs to meet graduation requirements.


    Opportunities Abound!

    In addition to classes offered by their school, students can also apply for special programs. If accepted, students would leave school to attend classes with these programs:

    Some schools have community partners that offer programming during and after school. Review October's Community Program Opportunities Newsletter for more information (some of these programs may have completed their recruitment).


    Leadership Potential

    Students who are still looking for their fit in high school should consider getting involved in our highly engaging programs that allow students to connect in and outside of class. These programs include:

    For additional questions, contact your child's assigned school counselor. They can meet with you or your child, answer your questions, and connect you with resources.

  • How Do I Know My Student's Progress?

  • How Does My Student Submit Course Choices?