Requests for Conducting Research
At this time, the district is still accepting Requests to Conduct Research. However, it is important to note that due to the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the district is limiting participation in external research projects.
The Omaha Public Schools’ Research Review Committee is responsible for reviewing research proposals, maintaining research records, and disseminating research findings to district personnel. Individuals, institutions, or organizations interested in conducting research in the Omaha Public Schools must read the Guidelines for Conducting Research and submit their request via the online form.
Omaha Public Schools only grants research approvals for a maximum of one academic year. All research study approvals expire at the end of the fiscal year (i.e., July 31). Research studies that request more than one year or require data collection after the start of the new fiscal year will need to submit a Request to Conduct Research form for approval each year.
The Research Review Committee meets each month to review submissions. All submissions must be received one week prior to the meeting. Submissions received after this deadline will be reviewed in the next cycle. See the list of meeting dates below. Please note that only complete submissions will be reviewed. Allow at least 2 weeks for processing after the committee meeting, since your request will be added to other requests and prioritized based on district requirements.
Consent Forms
All prospective participants must be given adequate information that allows them to make informed decisions regarding participation in a proposed research project. Therefore, a proposed consent form or notification letter must be attached to the research proposal. A complete list of the components required in all consent documents can be found in the Guidelines for Conducting Research.
Request to Conduct Research - Form Instructions
To request to conduct research in the Omaha Public Schools, we ask that you complete the form linked below. Please answer all questions fully to improve the accuracy of your request and time needed to provide the information. Allow at least two weeks for processing after the committee meeting, since your request will be added to other requests and prioritized based on district requirements. Please read the Guidelines for Conducting Research before completing this form.
Please be aware that if your research will require requesting data from Omaha Public Schools, you will also need to submit a data request once your research is approved by the Research Review Committee.
For dissertation studies, a letter indicating support of the proposed research project including the proposed research, methodology and analyses from the University's committee chair on University letterhead must accompany the Request to Conduct Research.
For action research, a letter indicating support of the project from an advisor must accompany the Request to Conduct Research.
Tips for Completing Research Request Form
All Requests
- Submit your research using the online form as early as possible. It can take approximately 3-4 weeks to receive a decision letter especially if the submission is unclear, is missing important details/ attachments, and/or the Research Review Committee has questions. Allow extra time so that you may meet your deadline. The online form is called “Conducting Research Request.”
- Review the meeting dates and submission deadlines for Research Review on our website. Late submissions are typically not accepted, as committee members need enough time to read all proposals. Also, preliminary questions may need to be addressed with you prior to the meeting.
- Be as specific as possible in your research request. The more items that need clarification, the longer it will take to receive a decision. All surveys, consent forms, surveys, instruments, etc. being used in the research will need to be submitted.
- Teachers/Omaha Public Schools employees cannot pull or use student data (e.g., state test scores, attendance, etc.) without adhering to district processes including, but not limited to, indicating the data needed and obtaining parent consent. Even though teachers/district employees may have access to the data as a part of their job/responsibilities, it may not be used for personal gain (e.g., to assist in meeting requirements of coursework that is beyond classroom responsibilities) without requesting the use of the data from Omaha Public Schools and the parent. As a university student, your request is considered external rather than internal.
- If student data are needed, a data request will need to be submitted through another online form on our website. The request can be submitted once your research is approved. Depending on the workload of the research division and the complexity of the data request, please allow 2-3 weeks to receive data. The online form is called “Request for Student Data.”
- It is district practice to only allow compensation for participants if the research activities are completed outside of contracted duty hours.
- All prospective participants must be given adequate information that allows them to make informed decisions regarding participation in a proposed research project. Therefore, a proposed consent form or notification letter must be attached to the research proposal. A complete list of the components required in all consent documents can be found in the Guidelines for Conducting Research.
- If Omaha Public Schools staff, parents or other adults are involved in the research, you will need a consent form for them as well. Again, examples are on our website.
- You must wait to begin research until you have received an approval letter from the Research Division.
- Please note: Data prior to 2009 will be difficult to provide and/or may be unavailable. In addition, some data may not be able to be provided due to the sensitive nature (e.g., behavioral data) of the data.
Specific to Masters and Doctoral Students- Thesis and dissertation students need to submit a letter of support signed by their committee chair on university letterhead stating that the design, methodology and proposed analyses will fulfill the requirements for their program.
Specific to Action Research- Action research must be conducted on your own in your own classroom.
- If you are doing an action research project, the focus should be on improving your teaching in your own classroom.
- In most cases, a separate data request does not need to be submitted; however, the requester needs to indicate what data is needed on the Request to Conduct Research form. Typically, teachers may use the data available to them to complete their action research project with parent permission.
- In most cases, passive parent consent forms will be utilized.
- Action research students need to submit a letter of support signed by their advisor indicating approval of the project.