Human Growth and Development

  • Human Growth and Development provides students with decision-making skills about situations often faced in real life. Students discuss age-appropriate topics related to self-identity, goal setting, growth and development, healthy relationships, communication, bullying, media influences, abstinence, sexuality, reproduction, reproductive options, LGBTQ, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual abuse and sexually transmitted diseases. This age-appropriate course is optional in elementary and required during grades seven, eight and 10.

    Families will need to sign and return an opt-in form for students in elementary students. Families who wish for their child to not participate can simply not return the form. 

    Families who wish for their child to not participate can submit an opt-out form. Forms are available below or from their child's school.


  • What grade levels is Human Growth and Development offered?

  • Does my child have to take Human Growth and Development?

  • How will I know what will be taught and at what grade levels?

  • How can I preview the curriculum before deciding to opt in/out?

  • How do I opt out?

  • Can I opt my child out of a specific lesson?

  • How will I know when the lessons will be taught?

  • If I opt my child out, what will they do instead?

  • What will the lessons look like in the Alternative Curriculum Program (ACP) classes?

  • How can I, as a parent, make sure my child is not indoctrinated with values that are different from what my family believes?

  • Will students receive condoms as a part of Human Growth and Development classes?

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