Curriculum and Instruction Support
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Human Growth and Development
Human Growth and Development provides students with decision-making skills about situations often faced in real life. Students discuss age-appropriate topics related to self-identity, goal setting, growth and development, healthy relationships, communication, bullying, media influences, abstinence, sexuality, reproduction, reproductive options, LGBTQ, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual abuse and sexually transmitted diseases. This age-appropriate course is optional in elementary and required during grades seven, eight and 10.
Families will need to sign and return an opt-in form for students in elementary students. Families who wish for their child to not participate can simply not return the form.Secondary
Families who wish for their child to not participate can submit an opt-out form. Forms are available below or from their child's school.
What grade levels is Human Growth and Development offered?
At the elementary level, Human Growth and Development is offered for four days at the 4th, 5th and 6th grade levels with parent permission. Boys and girls are separated during the lessons. In middle school, it is offered for nine weeks in grades seven and eight; at the high school level it is offered for one semester during the 10th grade.
Does my child have to take Human Growth and Development?
No. Parents have the opportunity to “opt in” their child for Human Growth and Development lessons in 4th, 5th and 6th grades. In 7th, 8th and 10th grades, parents may “opt out” their child for all or any part of Human Growth and Development.
How will I know what will be taught and at what grade levels?
The content standards for Human Growth and Development are posted below and a link to these has been posted on each school’s website.
How can I preview the curriculum before deciding to opt in/out?
Curriculum that can be linked (per copyright) is available on the district website. Copyrighted curriculum may be viewed at the school through the Human Growth and Development teacher or school nurse.
How do I opt out?
At the elementary level, parents opt-in rather than opt-out. Permission slips are sent home approximately one month prior to scheduled Human Growth and Development lessons. The permission slips must be returned for the student to participate in the lessons.
At the middle and high school levels, students register for the following year’s courses in early spring. After meeting with the school counselors, students will bring home course registration materials including information about Human Growth and Development for parents/guardians to review. Parents/guardians electing to opt-out their student from Human Growth and Development would contact the school counselor for the appropriate form. Parents may also opt their child out of the high school course, even after registering, early in the semester.
Can I opt my child out of a specific lesson?
Yes. Parents may opt their student out from any topic at any time during the course. Please be aware that there may be instances where topics may overlap with other areas of the curriculum.
How will I know when the lessons will be taught?
The pacing guides that detail when each lesson is scheduled to be taught are located on the district website and a link to these has been posted on each school’s website. In elementary schools, nurses will send home a permission slip that details the schedule of lessons. At the middle and high school levels, teachers will provide a course syllabus that details the lessons being taught.
If I opt my child out, what will they do instead?
Options for the child’s time if elected to opt out will be based on individual student needs. The classroom teacher should work with other teachers or specialists on the team to create a plan for allowing the student to work in a different room on an alternative assignment or project.
What will the lessons look like in the Alternative Curriculum Program (ACP) classes?
The adopted curriculum materials will be used, however the lessons and activities will be modified to meet individual student needs.
How can I, as a parent, make sure my child is not indoctrinated with values that are different from what my family believes?
The Omaha Public Schools District believes that parents should be the primary educators in matters of human growth and development. The school will present information about different topics and encourage students to go home and talk with their parents about family beliefs by using optional discussion assignments that provide opportunities for parent and child dialogue. Parents also have the opportunity to opt their child out of topics they are not comfortable with their child learning about or opt their child out of the whole course.
Will students receive condoms as a part of Human Growth and Development classes?
No. Omaha Public Schools does not permit the distribution of condoms.