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South Dual Language
Students at South High have the unique opportunity to participate in the Omaha Public Schools Dual Language Program. This program focuses on nurturing bilingualism in our students while preparing them for the transition to post-secondary education. Omaha Public Schools is one of only a handful of K through 12th grade Dual Language programs in the nation. Omaha South Magnet is the only Dual Language High School in the district and offers a major in Dual Language. Students who participate in Dual Language program receive instruction in both English and Spanish.
To enroll in a dual language class a student must be enrolled in the Dual Language program or have the approval of the dual language coordinator and a recommendation from a teacher/counselor or the ESL department head. Enrollment in the Dual Language program is dependent on the ability to complete a class that is taught in both English and Spanish.
Omaha South High's Dual Language Program has been recognized as the Dual Language High School of the Year by the International Spanish Academies. This recognition comes from the hard work and dedication of the DL Staff and families. Omaha South High is proud of the linguistic and cultural connections made through the Dual Language Program while emphasizing and enforcing high academic achievement for our Dual Language students.
Learn more about our ISA affiliation with the Embassy of Spain
South Dual Language Course Information
The school promises to provide a wide range of Dual Language courses in Math, Science and Social Studies. Currently, Omaha South offers 31 dual language courses. All DL students must take a minimum of 12 DL credits before they graduate. They must also agree to take Spanish for four years. The courses offered are listed below:
DL American History- DL Human Geography
- DL World History
- DL Government
- DL Algebra 1-2
- DL Geometry
- DL Algebra 3-4
- DL Pre-Algebra
- DL Pre Calc Trig 1-2
- DL Biology 1-2
- DL Chemistry
- DL Physics
- H DL US History
- H DL Human Geography
- AP DL Government*
- H DL Algebra 1-2
- H DL Geometry
- H DL Algebra 3-4
- DL Probability and Stats
- H DL Pre Calc Trig 1-2
- AP DL Calculus
- H DL Biology 1-2
- H DL Chemistry
- H DL Physics
- H DL Anatomy and Physiology
- DL Physical Science
- H DL Physical Science
- H DL Latin
- American Studies
- DL Freshman Seminar
All Dual Language classes are taught in Spanish with English review and vocabulary instruction. The materials are offered in English and Spanish when available.Dual Language classes meet all the state standards for honors and regular courses. The only difference is the language of instruction.
In addition to Dual Language classes, students are required to take 4 years of Spanish or complete AP Spanish Language or AP Spanish Literature. Nearly all Dual Language students who start in Kindergarten qualify for Spanish for Spanish Speakers courses. The Spanish courses are as follows:
- Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1-2
- Spanish for Spanish Speakers 3-4
- Spanish for Spanish Speakers 5-6
- *AP Spanish Language
- Honors Spanish for Spanish Speakers 3-4
- Honors Spanish for Spanish Speakers 5-6
- Spanish Literary Strategies
- *AP Spanish Literature
(*) Indicates the class is Dual Enrolled with University of Nebraska Omaha
(H) Indicates an Honors course
Learn more about the Seal of Biliteracy and the application process.
South Dual Language Teachers
One of the major challenges of the DL program at Omaha South High Magnet is finding sufficient bilingual teachers for the program. The ideal teacher candidate for DL at Omaha South High Magnet is bilingual in Spanish and English and also has a master's degree in their area of specialization. The master's degree allows teachers to teach as adjuncts for the local universities and allows DL to offer more dual enrollment college credit opportunities. If you are interested in being a teacher in our Dual Language program, check out the Omaha Public Schools employment page at