Westview Business Pathway

  • Business Pathway LogoAll students in the Business Pathway will take the following courses in 10th grade. 11th and 12th grade courses are determined by the student's chosen focus.

    Principles of Business Marketing & Management
    This course is designed to introduce students to the Business, Marketing, and Management Career Field, which focuses on formation and structure, economics, management, marketing, financial management, and operations. Career opportunities and technology will also be used and discussed.

    Entrepreneurship 1
    Entrepreneurship is a course with emphasis on the evaluation of the business skills and commitment necessary to successfully operate an entrepreneurial venture and review the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship. The role of entrepreneurial businesses in the United States and the impact on the national and global economy will be explored.

    Business Management & Insurance

    11th Grade Course:

    Management & Leadership 1-2
    This course emphasizes the basic concepts of management and leadership within a business or organization.  It addresses characteristics, organization, and operation of business as major sectors of the economy.  Students will investigate management issues involved in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling an organization.  They will also acquire essential skills in the areas of emotional intelligence:  time management, stress management, professional growth and development, communication, and relationship skills.

    12th Grade Courses: 

    Banking, Investing and Insurance
    Banking, investing, and insurance further develops the student understanding of the main areas of financial services. Concepts include history of money and banking, negotiable instruments, creation of credit and function of banks. Students will focus on a variety of investment options and determine the appropriate options for an investment goal. Students will also determine the risks faced by individuals and businesses and decide on the proper risk management techniques to mitigate those risks. Investigating both personal and business insurance products and deciding which products are suitable for specific customer profiles.

    Operations Management
    This course focuses on managing the operations of business to ensure that a business has the resources required to function on a daily basis. Topics covered include: productivity; strategy in a global business environment; project management; quality management; human resources management; supply chain and inventory management; material requirements planning; JIT; maintenance and reliability; corporate social responsibility; ethics and risk management.

    Available Dual Enrollment Courses & Certifications: TBD

    Suggested Electives: World Language of Choice, Marketing, Digital Design, Journalism, Speech, Psychology & Sociology

    Student Organizations: FBLA, DECA

    Business Technology

    11th Grade Course:

    Info Technology Apps 1-2
    1: Students will explore emerging technologies as it applies to success in high school, college, and career.  The focus will be on the importance of digital citizenship, professional communication practices, advanced document processing, professional presentations, and intermediate spreadsheet and database applications used personally and professionally.
    2: This course will focus on skill development in data science using word processing, spreadsheet, database, and integration of applications utilizing advanced features. Students taking both Information Technology Applications I and II may be eligible for dual credit at a participating postsecondary institution. Skills, standards, and coursework align with industry certifications.

    12th Grade Course: 

    Business Communications 1-2
    Students will develop an understanding and appreciation for effective communication in business situations and environments. Emphasis is placed on all phases of communication: speaking, listening, thinking, responding, reading, writing, communicating non-verbally, and utilizing technology for communication.

    Available Dual Enrollment Courses & Certifications: TBD

    Suggested Electives: World Language of Choice, Digital Design, Marketing, Psychology & Sociology, Speech, Journalism, Digital Journalism

    Student Organizations: TBD

    Entrepreneurship & Virtual Enterprise

    11th Grade Course:

    Accounting 1-2
    This course covers a service business organized as a sole proprietorship which will include accounting principles involved in the preparation and maintenance of financial records concerned with business management and operations. It is a comprehensive introduction to basic accounting including recording, summarizing, and reporting and accounting systems and controls. Students are exposed to careers in the accounting field and are given the opportunity to perform accounting applications using technology.

    12th Grade Course: 

    Virtual Enterprise 1-2
    The course allows students to experience all areas of management of a business within a simulated environment. Students assume positions in accounting, management, information technology, legal, human resources, marketing, insurance, and business finance. Working collaboratively, students run simulated businesses in their schools as well as engage in virtual trading with other virtual businesses.

    Available Dual Enrollment Courses & Certifications: TBD

    Suggested Electives: Performing and Fine Arts, World Language of Choice, Speech, Psychology & Sociology, Marketing, Digital Design

    Student Organizations: FBLA, DECA


    11th Grade Course:

    Marketing 1-2
    1: This course develops basic student understanding and skills in the functions of marketing. Emphasis is placed on the impact of marketing activities on the individual, business, and society. Topics include market analysis, marketing information management, target customer identification, the development of marketing-mix strategies, and an in-depth look at the selling process.
    2: This course furthers student understanding and skills of the marketing functions and strategies, including pricing, product/service management, channel management, promotion, and marketing-information management

    12th Grade Course: 

    Marketing 3-4
    This course is an expansion and application of previous marketing studies with an emphasis on learning to develop responsive marketing strategies that meet customer needs. This course focuses on marketing concepts and the role of marketing in the organization and society where students develop a marketing plan. Topics include market research, product development, promotion, channel management, and pricing.

    Available Dual Enrollment Courses & Certifications: TBD

    Suggested Electives: World Language of Choice, Psychology & Sociology, Digital Design, Speech, Journalism

    Student Organizations: DECA (Sponsor: Kevin Myers)