Central High College & Career Academies and Pathways

  • Freshman Academy

    Freshmen students will be members of a Freshman Academy team, comprised of small teams of teachers and students who will engage with one another on a daily basis, developing meaningful and supportive relationships as they transition to high school. All freshman students will also participate in an exploratory Freshman Seminar course, designed to introduce students to the high school experience by discovering school opportunities in career-based and pathway programming. 

    CHS Pathways

    Central High School offers 16 unique pathways to students. The pathway model brings three important advantages to our school: 

    1.   Every student in a pathway will collaborate with teachers and students inside and outside of their pathway focus area. In a pathway, students will take a series of four or more classes during their high school experience focused on a group of related careers, or cluster. Students in a pathway take classes with a wide range of other students across career interests. 

    2.   Every student can feel engaged. With multiple different pathway options available, students will be able to find/enhance their passions. Even if students may not be interested in a particular career field, our pathways are focused on building transferable skills in the areas of writing, reading, problem solving, and the creative arts.  The pathways are built so EVERY student gets to explore their interests!  

    3.   Every student can feel prepared for the future. The Central pathways are dedicated to building successful pathways for EVERY student's future goals.  Whether a student is looking for a four-year collegiate experience, trade school, apprenticeship, or even going right into the workforce, the pathway experience is intended to open doors for all students.  By working with local businesses and developing real-life projects, students will build a resume that shows leadership, teamwork, time management, and responsibility - all while having FUN!  Work-based learning, real-world experiences, and practical problem solving will prepare every student for their future. 


    The Pathways of Central High School:

    • STEM
      • Architectural Design
      • Computer Science and Mathematics
      • Environmental Studies
      • Global Health Science
      • Robotics
    • Leadership and Global Studies
      • Entertainment and Sports Marketing
      • IB Diploma Programme
      • International Business and Finance
      • Journalism
      • Political Science
      • Teaching as a Profession
    • Global Arts 
      • Fine and Applied Arts
      • Instrumental Music
      • Music Technology
      • Theatrical Arts
      • Vocal Music