Buena Vista High Health & Education Pathway

  • HEP LogoThe Health and Education Pathway offers Buena Vista students the opportunity to explore high demand, high wage features three pathway themes: 

    Teaching as a Profession

    The Teaching as a Profession Pathway is offered to students interested in a career in the education process. Students, during their senior year, will complete a field experience in an educational setting during their senior year of high school.  Students in this pathway also participate in Educators Rising as a part of their experience. 

    Human Performance

    The Human Performance Pathway prepares students for areas of the medical field including sports nutrition, athletic training, occupational therapy, physical therapy, as well as nursing or becoming a physician.  The coursework supports students with basic medical terminology and professions, sports nutrition, and exercise science.

    Behavioral Health

    The Behavioral Health Pathway prepares students with coursework that will fulfill their interest in the areas of mental health care, counseling, and psychology.  Students in this pathway will take courses in medical terminology and ethics, patient care, and behavioral health.

Health & Education Pathway Courses

  • Teaching as a Profession

  • Human Performance

  • Behavioral Health