Westview Education Pathway

  • Westview High School Teaching as a Profession Pathway10th Grade Courses:

    Lifespan Development (1st Semester)
    This course explores the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of individuals across the lifespan. External impacts on development, including family structure and practices, social and technological forces, and resources available to individuals and their outcomes will be explored. Classroom, laboratory, and educational leadership activities are supplemented through Educators Rising.

    Principles of Education and Training (2nd Semester)
    This course is designed to introduce students to career opportunities and related skills in the Education and Training career field, including teaching and professional educational training. Students will explore topics related to the foundation and history of education, the philosophy of education, roles of educators, instructional and assessment methods, diversity of cultures and communities related to educational settings, learner development, and professional development.

    11th Grade Course:

    Best Practices in Education
    This course is a continuation of the Introduction to Education and Training course and is the second course in a three course sequence. Students will further engage in topics related to instructional and assessment methods, including differentiation of instruction. Students will also develop active listening skills necessary for educators, and demonstrate positive feedback techniques. Students will gain skills related to planning for instruction, which will be utilized in the field experience (the third course in this sequence). Classroom, laboratory, and educational leadership activities are supplemented through Nebraska Educators Rising, a career and technical student organization.

    12th Grade Course: 

    Education and Training Internship
    Through this capstone experience, students will apply previously developed knowledge and skills into a structured workplace experience. This volunteer experience may take place within a school environment for those seeking teaching careers, or within the business and industry community for those seeking careers in professional educational training. Goals are set cooperatively by students, their instructor, and respective supervising professionals. Opportunities may include experience teaching in a controlled setting by designing learning experiences and facilitating presentations. Students will focus on improving their instructional strategies through coaching from their teacher and supervising professionals.

    Available Dual Enrollment Courses & Certifications: Principles of Education and Training is dual enrolled through UNO as TED 1010

    Suggested Electives: Performing and Fine Arts, World Language of Choice, Speech, Psychology & Sociology

    Student Organizations: EdRising (Sponsors: Maggie Heuerman and Lynn Wray)