North High College & Career Academies and Pathways

  • At North High, students develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills through coursework that exposes them to challenging courses including engineering, biomedical sciences, research, computer sciences, and environmental sciences. Students work to master core subjects with an emphasis on science, technology, math, and engineering. Students are encouraged to research, learn and apply new material through hands-on projects, activities, and problem-based learning.

    The North High Academy/Pathway Model brings three important advantages to EVERY Viking.

    1. EVERY student has a TEAM of teachers working for them EVERY day. In each academy, teachers are teamed together across disciplines to support all students. English, Social Studies, Math, and Science teachers build collaborative projects and support each individual student. This allows for additional support for students who need to be challenged as well as those who need further assistance.
    2. EVERY student can feel engaged. With different pathways/academies, every student can find their passion. Even if you may not be interested in a particular career field, academy pathways are focused on building skills in the areas of writing, reading, problem-solving, math, and the creative arts. The academies are built so EVERY student gets to explore their interests!
    3. EVERY student will feel prepared for the future. The North Academies/Pathways are dedicated to building successful pathways for EVERY student's future goals. Whether they are looking for a four-year collegiate experience, trade school, apprenticeship, or even going right into the workforce, the academy experience will open doors that may previously had been closed. By working with local businesses and developing real-life projects, students will build a resume that shows leadership, teamwork, time management, and responsibility - all while having FUN! Work-placed internships, real-world experiences, and practical problem solving will prepare EVERY student for THEIR future.

North High Academies

  • Computer Science & Technology

    • Audio Video Production
    • Computer Networking
    • Cybersecurity & Coding
    • PLTW Computer Science

    Engineering & Design

    • Mechanical Design
    • PLTW Engineering
    • Precision Machining
    • Robotics and Automation

    Science & Research

    • Medical Research & Health Informatics
    • Natural & Environmental Sciences
    • PLTW Biomedical Science
    • Teaching as a Profession