Zoo Academy

  • Classes are held throughout the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo. Students need to provide their own transportation to and from the zoo.

Zoo Academy Courses

  • Honors Zoology

    Students study animals, emphasizing evolutionary and ecological relationships, aspects of animal organization that unite major animal phyla, and animal adaptations. Students will understand animal form and function using a comparative approach which includes an appropriate balance between invertebrate and vertebrate descriptions. Labs are included in each part of the course.

    Components of the course allow students to work side by side with zookeepers.

    Interested students must see their guidance counselor in order to apply.

    Seniors who successfully completed the program during their junior year may apply to participate a second year. Year two includes more in-depth coursework and independent research. In addition, students may have the opportunity to participate in an internship.

    Prerequisites: None
    Duration: Full year (2 semesters)
    Credit: 4 per year
    Grade Level: 11

    Zoo Orientation

    This course provides an overview of the corporate structure of a non-profit organization. Students learn the Zoo's four pillars: conservation, education, research, and recreation. After learning the fundamentals of the zoo, students are involved in ways to improve the zoo. an individualized project is required. Class meets twice per week.

    Prerequisites: All day zoo student
    Duration: 1 semester
    Credit: 1
    Grade Level: 12

    Honors Environmental Science

    Honors Environmental Science allows students to develop insights and skills needed to make decisions regarding the environment. The class provides an understanding of ecosystems, populations, energy, and natural resources. In addition, students learn how humans impact the environment and how they can use it sustainably. This course includes hands-on experience, simulations, and outdoor activities. Ultimately, the class prepares students to be environmentally literate citizens who are capable of evaluating real world situations. Class meets twice per week.

    Prerequisites: Must be simultaneously enrolled in Zoology
    Duration: Full year (2 semesters)
    Credit: 2 per year
    Grade Level: 11, 12

    Honors Veterinary Science

    This course deals with the role of veterinary medicine as it relates to domesticated and exotic animals. Students learn about basic vet practices and lab procedures, animal health and nutrition, and general behavioral concepts. A special focus is placed on companion animals.

    Career exploration is a strong component of this course and is intended to provide students with opportunities to learn about the wide variety of options in the animal science field. Shadowing experiences are arranged at various locations, such as the NE Humane Society, veterinary practices, etc. Class meets everyday.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of Zoology with a "B"; instructor approval based on interview
    Duration: Full year (2 semesters)
    Credit: 4 per year
    Grade Level: 12

    Honors Comparative Anatomy & Physiology

    Comparative Anatomy and Physiology provides instruction in anatomy and physiology of domestic and exotic animals. The course focus is on skeletal, musculature, renal, ophthalmic, cardiac, and respiratory systems. Lab activities focus on skeletal identification and dissection of related body systems of animals. Class meets twice per week.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of Zoology with a "B"
    Duration: Full year (2 semesters)
    Credit: 2 per year
    Grade Level: 11, 12

    Honors Zoology Research

    Individualized research conducted with the business operations of the Zoo. This could include customer relations, graphics, genetics, conservation, and/or dietary. Students interested in Zoo research must have a good understanding of biology, math, and chemistry. All interested students need to apply and interview with the Zoo staff. Once accepted, students work in one of the following areas: reproductive laboratory, aquarium research, nutrition lab, or the genetics lab. Some the activities include reproductive physiology, vitro fertilization, setting up ecosystems, and testing the environment, working with DNA sequencer and PCR-Microsatellites. Students are engaged in a higher level research, reading, and writing and may have the opportunity to be published. Class meets everyday.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of Zoology with a "B" or better
    Duration: Full year (2 semesters)
    Credit: 4 per year
    Grade Level: 12

    Service Learning (Project Day)

    This Challenge Base Learning course engages students in service experiences within the community. Service learning is the integration of service and learning where each is valued as necessary for the other. It is a way of learning that takes place through and within the performance of meaningful service to the community, and a way of enriching service through academic learning. Students develop and commit to a sustained community service project with approval from faculty and participate in reflection sessions. Class meets all day on Fridays.

    Prerequisites: All Day Student at the Zoo
    Duration: Full year (2 semesters)
    Credit: 2 per semester
    Grade Level: 11, 12

    Independent Study - S1 and S2

    Independent Study S1
    Student directed research project. The project can be a career focus, animal focus, or a project presented by the Zoo. Challenge Base Learning fundamentals are used in this course. Class meets twice per week.

    Independent Study S2
    Students design research projects that are in conjunction with their externship. Students propose the topic, research, and present their findings to a panel. The panel consists of teacher and staff from the Zoo. The defense of the project will be made public. Class meets twice per week.

    Prerequisites: All Day Student at the Zoo
    Duration: All year, twice per week
    Credit: 1 per semester
    Grade Level: 11, 12