Auto Collision Repair and Refinishing

  • Two students work on repairing car damage

    Automotive Collision Repair & Refinishing is a three-year pathway. Students begin in Auto Collision 1-2 and learn disassembly/reassembly of vehicles/parts and nonstructural repair in various types of plastics and composites used in the industry. Auto Collision 3-4 is refinishing and students learn why undercoats and topcoats are so important and how to apply them professionally.

Auto Collision Repair and Refinishing Courses

  • Autobody: Panel Remove & Install & Repair

    This course teaches basic automotive panel alignment. Students will learn to remove, install and align bolted body parts such as fenders, hoods, doors, deck-lids, bumpers and bumper covers. Using automobiles and demonstration panels, students will learn how appearance and function of body parts will properly align on an automobile. Students must be able to work independently and in small groups while in the laboratory.

    Students will learn basic automotive panel repairs. Students will learn the basics of using metal straightening tools and body fillers. The students will learn to identify and repair various types of plastics and composites on today’s vehicles. Using automobiles and demonstration panels, students will learn how appearance and function of proper body repair procedures. Students must be able to work independently and in small groups while in the laboratory.

    Autobody: Refinishing

    Students will learn basic automotive panel painting procedures. Students will learn the proper operation of the paint spray gun using different products and procedures in automotive refinishing. Students will learn the purpose and application of corrosion protection products during repair procedures. Students will learn the purpose of undercoats and topcoats as well as their application techniques. Students must be able to work independently and in small groups while in the laboratory.

Course Information

  • Instructors: Mr. Jay Rebensdorf


    • Sophomore
    • Junior
    • Senior

    Related Careers:

    • Auto Body Repair Tech
    • Auto Body/Glass Installer
    • Claims Adjuster
    • Transportation Equipment
    • Painter

    What does it take?

    • Technical Certificate
    • Associates Degree

    What does it make?

    • $36,000 - $60,000 annually