To connect today's students with tomorrow's careers through relevant, real-world education that engages students, community, and industry.
Vision:To be the destination for "Learning by Doing" in career education.
Values:Knowledgeable, Passionate, Flexible, Driven, Positive
Career and College Readiness for Life Beyond High School
Students are more than a score!
They are more than the number they earn on a standardized test. Omaha Public Schools strives to provide students with rigorous academic programs, personalized and career-specific learning experiences and social and emotional skills that prepare them to be global citizens in an ever-changing world. The scores on a standardized test are only one of many potential indicators that demonstrate readiness for life beyond high school.
Students learn in a variety of ways, and therefore students should demonstrate readiness in a variety of ways.
Career Center looks beyond standardized test scores and uses 6 benchmark measures to assess and demonstrate student readiness to succeed in life beyond high school!