Clubs & Activities

Activity Sponsor Location Time Description
Academic Decathlon Deana Rainey Room 234 Tuesday and Thursday, 3:15 PM-4:30 PM (November and December) Academic Decathlon meets daily as an elective course and after school during competition season from November through January. Students study Art, Music, Math, Literature, Economics, Social Science, and Science all based on a given theme. They prepare for the competition using United States Academic Decathlon material and on-line resources. This is a high energy, fast-paced, and hard-core academic group.
ACT Prep Patricia Coate TBD TBD This group meets a couple of months before the April ACT test date. Students will prepare for the ACT. All are welcome.
Avenue Scholars Terrance Gillian Room 213 Daily (as a class), 9:40 AM-11:10 AM With the ultimate goal of helping students to achieve financially sustaining careers, the Avenue Scholars Program provides individualized support, work-place experience and career opportunities at every step. Students apply sophomore year. Then, from junior and senior year in high school, through postsecondary education and training, and into a successful career. Avenue Scholars have the individualized support of a Career Coach – for both personal and career-related development. At the same time
Bible Club Donna Ross Room 250 Wednesday, 3:15 PM-4:00 PM A Christian club including all denominations. Students lead a weekly study of a Bible verse. Prayer for our school, country, and each other. Email Ms. Ross with any prayer requests you may have.
Cheerleading Ja'Lesa Reed Track & West Mezzanine Gym Monday, 6:00 PM-8:00 PM and Tuesday, 3:30PM-5:00 PM Students grade 9-12 in good academic and behavior standing are eligible to try-out for cheerleading. Try-outs are typically held in the Spring with practices, games and activities occurring year-round. Northwest cheerleaders cheer at football and basketball games.
College Possible Dorothy Nolan Room 111 Refer to Sponsor's Email About the Day, 3:30 PM-5:30 PM College Possible is a free program that supports students on their journey to and through college. Many of our students are the first in their families to attend college. Services include: college and scholarship application assistance; financial aid coaching; and connection to college resources and opportunities. Students meet with their coach during group sessions, and complete steps needed to access their best fit college!
Educators Rising Miss McCoy TBD TBD Educators Rising is a national membership organization for aspiring teachers and their mentors. Participating in this school-based program helps young people explore teaching — consider joining Educators Rising to connect with peers and experts around the country who are focusing on the same issues and challenges. Events involved with this club include teacher appreciation efforts, leadership conferences, college program exploration and state/national conferences regarding educational topics.
Flag Corps Jonathan Halvorson Band Room Meets During Football Season Interested in Dance, Twirling, or Spinning Flags? Be a part of the Northwest Flag Corps – a group that rehearses with Marching Band to create high-level competing shows with multiple genres of music and dance. Last year, NW had the highest scoring Flag Corps Team in our district at some competitions. Flag Corps members will rehearse with band every day in the fall during Symphonic Band Class. They also will have after school rehearsals with the band.
Game Geeks Georg Getty, Joseph Adam Room 153/Cafeteria Wednesday, 3:15 PM-5:00 PM Gaming club is all about games- board, video, card, outdoor, D&D- if it’s a game, we’ve got it.
Gender Sexuality Alliance Meghan Van Wanzleele Room 201 Tuesdays or Thursdays, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
High Steppers AshLynn Samuel Shayette Wilson Cafeteria B Monday and Wednesday, 3:15 PM-5:00 PM High Steppers are one of the three spirit squads at Northwest. We perform at select Football games, all home Varsity basketball games, Pep Rallies, and community events
HOSA Megan Wesslund Room 240 TBD Future Health Professionals
International Thespian Society, Troupe #788 Jasmine Nelson Room 110 All meetings will be announced through Teams Northwest’s chapter of the International Thespian Society, a worldwide honorary organization whose mission is to honor student achievement in the theatre arts. We organize Northwest Drama productions, prepare and rehearse for the Nebraska State and International Thespian Festivals, and plan for school and community outreach events.
Math Club Holly Hickman Room 251 Every Other Wednesday Math Club is a safe and fun space to explore mathematical ideas that interest YOU. Bring ideas and questions and we will delve into them together! Topics can include, art, games, nature, food, music, history, and anything else that catches your eye - the limit does not exist!
National Honor Society Thomas Kimminau, Kevin Anderson Room 201 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month, 7:10 AM-7:30 AM The National Honor Society is a nationwide organization for high school students in the United States and outlying territories. Selection is based on four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Do service projects for the school and community.
No Place for Hate Julie Betterton School Counseling Multi-Purpose Room 2nd and 3rd Monday of the Month, 3:15 PM-5:00 PM No Place for Hate® is an initiative providing schools and communities with a climate improvement framework for combating bias, bullying and hatred – leading to long-term solutions for creating and maintaining a positive learning environment.”
Omaha Youth 360 Jennifer Clark Room 107 Tuesday, 3:15 PM-5:00 PM Community partnership through the Empowerment Network
Pep Band Jonathan Halvorson Band Room Game Schedules - TBA The pep band is built into our concert band and is an extension of class time. We will play various home games to boost morale and spirit. See Mr. Halverson for questions and how to join.
Philosophy Club Francesca Apper Room 238 Tuesday, 3:15 PM-5:00 PM
Poetry Slam TBD TBD TBD The Northwest Poetry Slam team is a group of writers who enjoy exploring perspective through the written rhetoric! Through multiple writing exercises, writers grow together!
ROTC Major Todd Smith Room 010 Tuesday and Thursday, 3:15 PM-5:00 PM
Student Government Whitney Matthews TBD TBD Northwest’s chapter of the National Student Council Association, a nationally recognized organization to promote student leadership and collaboration across the country, provides students with multiple leadership opportunities. We meet Tuesday mornings throughout the school year to plan multiple events throughout the year such as Boo Bash, Northwest Dodgeball Tournaments, Northwest Volleyball Tournaments, Holdiay Parties, Student Council Exchanges, and Northwest Prom.
THRIVE Club Juan Cangas Cafeteria Thursday, 3:15 PM-5:00 PM THRIVE Club is an after school program with a curriculum geared toward helping disadvantaged youth develop in good-decision making, leadership, & communication skills.
Upward Bound Sharon Kramer, LaTrell Wrighsell, Jonathan Berliew Room 104 Monday-Friday 3:05 PM-5:00 PM
Urban League Eric Williams, Marica White TBA Monday-Thursday, 9:30-2:00, by appointment or Lunch The Urban League’s Youth Attendance Navigator (YAN) program is a collaborative effort to increase attendance by delivering intense and targeted support to students who have chronic attendance issues. The program model intends to address the risk factors contributing to disinterest in school and increase engagement by building positive relationships between the school, student, and family unit.
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