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College and Career Counseling
The vision of Northwest High Magnet School is to prepare students for the 21st century. Career education increases the chances of a satisfying and productive career. The Northwest Counseling Department is committed to helping students develop their dreams into a realistic plan after high school.
With no plan for a career, people tend to fall into careers out of convenience rather than interest and abilities. Hence, people are more likely to be dissatisfied. Career education increases the chances of a satisfying and productive career. Proper career education also allows the flexibility of a changing a career path and making the most of a chosen career field.
College & Career Resources
- College Resources
- College Visit Resources
- College Athletics
- Careers & Career Readiness
- AHEC - Health Career exposure, experience and preparation
- Career Center
- Career Readiness Skills Development
- Careerlink - Job Search
- City of Omaha Summer Jobs
- Department of Labor
- Job Corps
- Metro Career Academies
- Naviance
- Nebraska Career Connections
- nelearn
- O*Net
- Omaha Exploring Posts
- Quick Career Assessment
- Resume Builder
- Military Academies & ROTC
Great Campus Visit Questions
Military Contacts
Air Force: Staff Sergeant Tavis Scheller 402-390-0896
Army: Sergeant Zachary Grady 515-55-8341
Marines: Sergeant Garnet Brown 515-339-5087
National Guard: Sergeant Benjamin Hoffart 402-841-5215
Navy: Joel Ramirez: 206-605-0026