Welcome from the Buffett PTO Board

    Buffett PTO officers for the 2023-24 school year:

    President - Christina Liermann
    Vice President - Moreal Wilson
    Secretary - JoAnne Bray
    Treasurer - Rachel Krueger, Teia Goodwin, MarComm

    Meetings: September 9 - November 11 - January 13 - March 10 - May 12  Meeting time: 6:30-7:30 PM. Email buffettpto@gmail.com to ask about joining!!

    • Offer three yearly Buffett scholarships.
    • Provide school supplies and teacher resources through grants.
    • Participate in and support school decision-making.
    • Sponsor multiple PTO initiatives (Family Engagement Nights, Teacher
    Appreciation and End of Year celebration).


    • Complete the form below.
    • Pay the $5 (per household) registration fee.
    • Attend at least one meeting or volunteer at one school event or provide a donation to support PTO initiatives.

Thank You!

  • Buffett would like to thank the PTO for its ongoing support of our school.  We truly appreciate everything you do for us. 

    The Buffett PTO supports the school through:

     - Volunteerism

     - Financial support

     - Fundraising

     - Book fair

     - Teacher/staff appreciation week

     - Annual student-faculty social event

     - College Scholarships