Student Clubs & Activities
Organization | Sponsor |
Anime/Manga | Angela Ralph |
Art Club | Astra Patterson and Sharon Carr |
Band | Timothy Schriever |
Benson High News (Newspaper) | Justine Garman |
Book Club | Angela Ralph |
Bunny Graphix | Samantha Guelden |
Chamber Choirs | Lorren Rahn |
Cheerleading | Shy Murph |
Comic Book Club | Shaun Behrens |
Concert Choir | Lorren Rahn |
Crotchet Club | Tatum Bowling |
Culinary Club | Ronda Bruggeman |
Cupola Staff (Yearbook) | Justine Garman |
Dance Team | Moriah Johnson |
DECA | Kelly Goergen |
Drama Club | Jozalyn Harrison |
Dungeons and Dragons | William Telgren |
Fashion Club | Marcie Muhammad and Kathryn Thomas-Bhatia |
Film Club | Josh Jablonski |
HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) | Robyn Jernigan |
JROTC | Col. Dwight Lydic and SFC David Strohbehn |
Lego Club | Rebecca Brauer |
Mixed Chorus | Lorren Rahn |
National Honor Society | Mary Reece and Ann Ronning |
Orchestra | Alexandria Kasun |
Pottery Club | Sharon Carr |
SkillsUSA | Tom Sibbitt and Ronda Sherman |
Student Ambassadors | Justine Garman and Angela Johanek |
Student Council | Joe Devlin and Jennica Ignowski |
Swing Choir | Lorren Rahn |
Thrive Club | Rita Miller |
Trading Card Club | Dan Wilson |
Treble Chorus | Lorren Rahn |
Secondary school students may form non-curriculum related student groups. The fact that such clubs are permitted to conduct meetings on District premises and may be monitored by school officials does not constitute school sponsorship or District endorsement of the purposes of such clubs or the content of their meetings.