Academic Tutoring

  • Homework Help is offered in the library Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:15-4:15. 

    Essay Writing Help is offered in room 229 Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7am.


    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Is every subject available for Homework Help?
    No. The subjects offered are Math, Science, English, and World Language. 

    Do I need to sign up?
    No. You can simply show up on the designated dates and times for help.


    Will the tutor be my teacher?
    No. For Homework Help in the library, the tutor will be a teacher in that content area but not necessarily YOUR teacher. For Essay Writing Help in room 229, you will work with, English teacher, Ms. Statsny.


    Do I have to stay the whole time?
    No, you can leave when you are done with your work or when you no longer need the support.

    What if I ride the OPS school bus after school?
    You can sign up to take the late bus. Sign up that morning when you come into school. Sign up at the security desk by the "C".


CHS Library