• Resources
      • Boystown Hotline  Sometimes it seems like nothing is going right - problems with friends, family, or school. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and not know where to turn. Visit this website for support 24/7.
      • Safe2Help NE is a school related tip management system that allows students, parents and community members that live in the Douglas County, Omaha, Nebraska area to instantly relay and submit secure and anonymous safety concerns to the appropriate school, law enforcement agency or crisis counselor. https://www.safe2helpne.org/
      • Student Support Groups Student support groups are available with there is sufficient student interest.  Students should see their counselor if they are interested in participating in a support group.
      • Teammates Program: Our mission is to positively impact the world by inspiring students to reach their full potential through mentoring. https://teammates.org/
      • Canvas How To: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Contingency-Resources/Getting-Started-with-Canvas-as-a-Student-Videos/ba-p/256768


    • Dropping a Class and Schedule Changes
      • If you would like to drop a class, you must report to the counseling office and ask for a Schedule Change/Request to Drop a Course Form.
        • Forms must be filled out and turned in to the counseling secretary.
        • AP class changes and drops must be approved by the teacher and the students’ parents/guardians.
      • Course changes are only permitted under the following conditions:
        • If a credit was recovered during Next Level Learning.
        • If the student needs an additional course to meet graduation requirements.
        • If a student has a study hall and would prefer to have a class.
        • If a student has an empty or blank schedule.
        • If you have your own transportation and requesting class release.


    • Academic Planner
      • The academic planner allows students and their families to map out their courses for high school.
        • Please log into Infinite Campus student or parent portal
          • Under the STUDENT INFORMATION tab, please locate the ACCADEMIC PLANNING tab.
          • In the main screen there will be a tab at the top that is marked COURSE PLAN. Click on that tab.
          • Underneath you will see each grade that runs along the top. Under each grade there will be an empty box that you can click on and select the courses that you need or want to take.
          • Save button is located at the top left corner of the screen.


    • Teammates
      • https://teammates.org/
      • The Teammate programs mission it to positively impact the world by inspiring students to reach their full potential through mentoring.
      • Mentors and Mentees are matched based on hobbies and interests.
      • Meetings are held in the school for a 30 minute meeting each week, biweekly, or monthly depending on their mutual schedules.


    • Transcripts
    • Current Students
      • Seniors who need transcripts sent to colleges MUST request the transcripts be sent via Naviance. Westview High School only sends transcripts through Naviance. Counselors have no way of knowing that you need a transcript sent unless it is requested through Naviance. Please follow the directions below.
    • Log into Naviance on your school issued iPad by going through the Clever App.
    • Once in Clever, look for the Naviance icon, or you can search for it. Click on the icon.
    • Log in.
    • Once in Naviance, go to “Colleges I’m Applying to”.
    • For each college you are requesting a transcript for, click on the red plus sign button in the upper right-hand corner.
    • List the college you are requesting the transcript from. Find the college in the list and then complete the App type and initial transcript.
    • Lastly, add and request the transcript.
    • Repeat for each college you are requesting a transcript for.
    • If you need help with this, please reach out to your assigned Counselor.