North High Freshman Academy

  • Freshman Academy Mission

    To provide meaningful opportunities to explore STEM career fields and gain skills that will prepare students for success in lifelong studies and careers.

    The freshman academy structure is designed to ensure academic success for all freshmen by implementing learning activities that are relevant, rigorous, embed literacy, recognize cultural diversity, prepare students for college and career readiness, and build leadership skills in all curricular areas.

    Who is part of the Freshman Academy?

    All freshmen are assigned to either Team Blue or Team Gold.  Each team at North High has about 175 students and 5 core class teachers. 

    What classes do freshmen take? 

    All freshmen are enrolled in the following core classes:

    • English 1-2
    • Physical Science or Biology 
    • US History
    • Freshman Seminar
    • Math

    In addition to these core classes, per the Nebraska State Board of Education, freshmen are also enrolled in: 

    • PE (ROTC/Marching band/Swing Choir) 

    • 2 additional elective courses to fill out their schedule.

    What support is provided for the students in Freshman Academy?

    Support is available for freshmen through the following: 

    Staff Support 

      • Administration 

      • Counselor

      • Teachers

      • Social workers

    Academic Support (not an exhaustive list)

    • Paper Online Tutoring (available in the Clever App)
    • Brown Bag Math during lunch
    • After-School Tutoring
    • Teacher 1:1 help (must be arranged in advance with teacher)

    What opportunities for involvement and leadership are available for Freshmen at North High? 

    Please visit our 'Activities and Athletics' page for more information on opportunities to get involved in all that North High has to offer!