Honors & Awards

  • Honors & Awards Recognized at Alfonza W. Davis Middle School

    Honor Roll

    The Purpose of honor roll is to recognize and honor students who have attained outstanding academic success and to provide positive reinforcement that inspires all students to strive harder and perform at their highest level in all subjects. The criteria for honor roll will be to earn a 3.0 or higher GPA with no grade lower than a "C". Students achieving honor roll for the first three terms of the school year will be recognized at the AWD Awards Ceremony in May.

    Rotary Honor Roll

    Every student in 8th grade is given the opportunity to apply for this honor. Students who have completed the application by the deadline are given 3 teacher rating sheets. Students select three teachers of their choosing and provide them with the sheet to score out of 16 possible points. The student's application and each rating sheet with total possible points out of 16 are evaluated by a principal selected committee of 3-5 staff members. The students' names are removed from all applications and rating forms before the selection committee ranks the students. The Rotary of Omaha determines how many winners the school will select each year. This is based on how large our 8th grade class is at the time of the nominations.

    8th Grade Wing Ceremony Student Award

    The 8th grade wing ceremony award will be presented to one 8th grade student who represents the true spirit of an Aviator. These individuals expect to win, believe in themselves, aim, high, use their brain, never quit, and are ready to go! This 8th grade student has overcome adversity at school or at home yet still achieves excellence in the classroom, activities, and community. This 8th grade student captures the true meaning of earning their wings and is ready to fly to high school and beyond!

    Each year the school principal will nominate students for consideration and the principal cabinet will select the recipient of this award. This student will address the 8th grade class at the wing ceremony and a picture of this student will be displayed on the wing wall in the cafeteria.

    Academic With Distinction (AWD) Award

    Academic with Distinction awards will be awarded to students who participate in academic clubs and activities.

    National Junior Honor Society

    Membership in the National Junior Honor Society is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a student. The Davis Chapter of NJHS has worked hard to bring the accomplishments of outstanding students to the attention of parents, teachers, peers, and the community. Our chapter, along with the more than 6,000 chapters in schools around the nation, strives to give practical meaning to the Society's standards of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. These five ideals are considered as the basis for a student's selection. No student is inducted simply because of a high academic average. The National Junior Honor Society strives to recognize the total student--one who excels in all of these areas. The standards used for selection are:

    Scholarship-3.75 cumulative average first semester, Leadership, Service, Citizenship, and Character as demonstrated by activities and  teacher evaluations.

    Member, however, is more than an honor. It incurs responsibility and an obligation to demonstrate those outstanding qualities that resulted in a student's selection. Membership also carries a responsibility to the chapter. If our chapter of the National Junior Honor Society is to be effective and meaningful, each member must become involved. A list of chapter obligations will be provided at the first meeting.

    Presidential Gold Award

    8th grade students at Davis are qualified for the Presidential Gold award based on a 3.5 cumulative unweighted GPA or higher (while enrolled at Davis) and exceeding on both 7th grade NSCAS math and NSCAS reading assessments.

    Presidential Silver Award

    8th grade students at Davis are qualified for the Presidential Silver award based on excelling in the Alternate Curriculum Program Classroom while enrolled at Davis.