The goal of the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program is to identify gifted and exceptionally talented students within the Omaha Public Schools, nurture their social/emotional development and enhance their curriculum experience so these unique individuals may reach their fullest potential. At Nathan Hale Magnet School the program is designed to address student needs through a combination of the following methods:
o Classroom Differentiation
o Honors and Advanced Classes
o Contest/Competitions
o Enrichment Activities and Clubs
The Omaha Public Schools’ method of identifying gifted and talented students is modeled after the NAGC (National Association of Gifted Children). Identification includes performance at 130 or above on IQ assessments and 95% or above on any sub-tests of the California Achievement Tests.
Selection for the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program at Nathan Hale can also be determined by a student’s performance in certain courses. Identification encompasses the following five areas: Intellectual, Academic, Creative, Leadership, and Visual/Performing Arts. Middle school is an opportunity for students to self-select areas that allow them to explore and capitalize on their strengths, display their talents, and excel. Whether it is found in their coursework, a competition, a contest, or an extracurricular activity, a student’s giftedness and/or talents can blossom and develop at Nathan Hale.
GATE District Events
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
Coordinated by the Office of Gifted and Talented
Academic Pentathlon: The newest program of the United States Academic Decathlon for middle school students was created to provide opportunities to experience the challenges of a rigorous team and individual competition in five events: Language and Literature, Mathematics, Music, Science, and Social Studies. The Pentathlon theme parallels that of the high school Academic Decathlon program. (currently optional for a school to participate)
Book Blasters: Book Blasters is a district-wide competition that involves a team of students who are responsible for reading approximately 12 selected novels. Teams then compete to see who reigns supreme in knowledge of the novels’ content.
Duke Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP): The 7th grade talent search through Duke University provides an opportunity for high ability students to pursue an above-level testing experience.
Poetry SLAMS: Each fall and spring student poets from each middle school take the stage and share their writing with their peers. SLAMS provide an outlet to express feelings, thoughts and ideas with an audience that yearns for student expression.
Quiz Bowl: Quiz Bowl is an academic competition. A four-member team competes against the clock answering questions from various disciplines. Skills, such as teamwork, cooperative group discussion, problem solving, and reaction time, are enhanced through practices and competitions.
Read to Succeed (R2S): Middle Level schools with fifth and six grade students may compete in this elementary competition. Students read 10 novels (Big Ten) and compete in a team approach to gain a spot in the Super Ten competition. The contest was designed to promote and encourage the love of reading. (middle schools with 5th and 6th grade students)
Scholars: Seventh and Eighth grade students (selected) for the Scholars program engage in activities that are goal-oriented. Students learn more about themselves, support on another, and achieve success at school. Various events are planned to prepare students for their high school years and beyond i.e., College Campus tours, Gallup Strength Finder, ACT prep, etiquette course and more.
Think Tank: Think Tank is a competitive problem-solving event for 7th and 8th graders held on the UNO campus. This day long event features a game that involves creative problem solving.
GATE Nathan Hale Events
7th and 8th grade Leadership Team
7th and 8th grade Scholars
African American History Challenge
Book Blasters
Geography Bee
History Day
National Junior Honor Society
Poetry Slams
Quiz Bowl
Science Olympiad
Spelling Bee
DUKE Talent Identification Program
Think Tank