Senior Portrait Information
As a senior, the photo of you that appears in the portrait section of the yearbook can be one of two things:
1. The photo taken on school picture day by Lifetouch or
2. A photo taken by another professional outside the school day.*Option two photos must be emailed to—BY THE PHOTOGRAPHER—before Thanksgiving break.
Photos must also…
- Be horizontal
- Be of you sitting or standing
- Be from the wait up
- Include attire following dress code
- Not include hands by the face
- Not include gestures or hand signs
- Not include props (animals, hats, cars, sunglasses, musical instruments, other people)
The yearbook staff reserves the right to reject photos not meeting the above criteria. If that is the case, you will
be notified via email and given the opportunity to submit an alternate photo. If you do not submit an alternate
photo, your portrait from school picture day will be used.