About Washington Elementary

  • Washington Elementary is a Pre-Kindergarten through sixth grade elementary school in midtown Omaha, NE.  Washington has a special education classroom, three Deaf and Hard of Hearing (K-6) classrooms, and a Resource Room.  

    All Washington Elementary students receive services from a full-time Library-Media Specialist, itinerant art, music and physical education specialist. 

    Washington Elementary has a nurse, health aide, an Instructional Facilitator and a counselor on staff. 

    Some Washington students also receive services from an English as a Second Language teacher.  

    At Washington Elementary, students have access to the Positive Action Center (PAC Room).  PAC is staffed with a trained facilitator to reinforce positive discipline.  There they will have a positive redirect to learn a life skill and head back to class.  Students return to the classroom ready to be successful and continue learning.