Middle School Teams

  • As your child will now have 8-10 teachers every two days, Morton utilizes teaming. 

    The teaming concept has numerous advantages:

    • Coordination of assignments
    • Promotion of collaboration among students and teachers
    • Promotion of critical and creative thinking through the application of skills and concepts across subject boundaries

    For staff:

    • Improved colleague support through shared goals and communication
    • Improved time management through team meetings and common planning time

    For students:

    • Improved student-teacher relationships through a sense of belonging
    • Improved attendance and behavior because of consistent environment with common rules, guidelines, and procedures

    Information taken from The Definitive Middle School Guide by Sandra Schurr and Imogene Forte


    Along with teaming, our counselors and administrators loop with students so families and students can get to know them over the course of their 3 years here at Morton.