Activities, Clubs and Athletics

Activity Sponsor Time Location Description
Book Blasters Ms. Ruth Sitzman Students prepare for this competition by reading as many books as they can from a list of 10 young adult titles. Teams then test their knowledge of books with questions phrased so that the title of the book is the answer. Extra points are given for knowledge of the authors. Each middle school may send two four person teams to the Book Blaster competition. The tournament is a double elimination format.
Boys Basketball Mr. Proulx Winter 1
Boys Soccer Mr. Engdahl Spring
Boys Swimming Mrs. Rosenthal & Mr. Bleyhl Winter 2
Cross Country Mr. Poppens Fall
Dungeons & Dragons Club Mr. Bleyhl Tuesdays from 3:15-4:30 Library Dungeons and Dragons club gives students the opportunity to explore a high fantasy storyline in which they must work co-operatively to overcome unforeseen circumstances. This engages students in building social skills by overcoming obstacles like highway bandits, corrupt kings, and devastating dragons.
Football Mr. Bahr Fall
Girls Basketball TBA Winter 2
Girls Soccer Mrs. O'Kane Spring
Girls Swimming Mrs. Rosenthal Winter 1
Intramural 10 Mile Swim Mrs. Ann Rosenthal Open to all level 3 or 4 swimmers. Students will swim laps after school 4 days a week working toward a goal of swimming 10 miles.
Library VIPs Mr. Engdahl Love to read? Join the Library VIPs! Students participate in a variety of reading challenges and activities. VIPs are also allowed to check out more books at one time.
Poetry Slam Ms. Ruth Sitzman Twice each year, spring and fall, poetry comes alive as students perform original writings in a forum of collaboration and celebration. Students perform on stage to share their creations. Seasoned metro area poets join and model slam protocol.
Quiz Bowl Ms. Ruth Sitzman This is an academic competition where a 4 member team competes against the clock answering questions from various disciplines (math, language arts, language, science and the arts). Skills such as team work, cooperative group discussion, problem solving and quickness are enhanced through practices and competition. QUADS allow each middle school 3-4 opportunities to practice before the competition finale in May.
Spelling Bee Ms. Ruth Sitzman Students meet to practice spelling skills and compete for the top spot at Monroe and potentially at the district, state and national levels.
Student Council Ms. Ruth Sitzman Student Council allows any student interested in participating an opportunity to work on leadership and communication skills. With no elections, any student can join. Students conduct various school-wide activities including planning positive behavior celebrations, pep rallies and fund raisers for various charities and Spirit Week.
Track & Field TBA Spring
Volleyball Mr. Proulx & Mrs. O'Kane Fall
Wrestling Mr. Bahr & Mr. Harris Winter 2