Monroe School Improvement Plan 2022-2023

  • We are entering the 3rd year of our CSI plan for school improvement and are driven to achieve our goals by completing the following action plans to accomplish our goals.   

    • Action Plan 1 - Achievement rates for students in grades 6-8 will increase from 11% to 15% proficient in NSCAS Math.
    • Action Plan 2 - Achievement rate for students in grades 6-8 will increase from 17%-21% on NSCAS ELA.
    • Action Plan 3 - The percentage of English Learner students who are on track to progress towards English language proficiency as measured by ELPA 21 Summative will increase by 2%
    • Action Plan 4 - Reduce the number of chronic student absences by 2%.
    • Action Plan 5 - Reduce the number of suspensions by 3%.


    The interventions and strategies that address the 5 Action Plan Goals:

     Action Plans 1-3-interventions and strategies:

    • Teachers will have visible learning goals throughout the lesson and use the gradual release model of instruction with fidelity to accomplish the learning goals as they revisit those goals throughout the lesson.  We will also utilize technology and instructional programs and software to focus on our core academic content with our learners.


    Action Plan 4- interventions and strategies:

    • Implementing a Success Mentoring Program supports students with chronic absence issues.  Identify chronic absent students and develop plans to monitor and improve attendance.    


    Action Plan 5- interventions and strategies:

    • Teachers will implement the eight effective classroom practices from the district-wide MTSSB model with fidelity. 


    We had to adjust instructional strategies and MTSS-B focus to adjust to more students and remote learners online to maintain engagement and in school behaviors.  We also had to work around MAP scores that were not there for remote students and use more in-class assessments to track their learning.