KSTM General Information
School Hours
KSTM will run on the OPS middle school time schedule. All students, grades sixth through eighth, will start at 7:40 a.m. and end at 3:05 p.m.
Before school starts, students interested in breakfast will be served in the cafeteria from 7:10 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Students are not permitted in the building prior to 7:10 a.m.
After-school clubs, intramural, and activities will run from 3:15 p.m. to approximately 5:00 p.m. KSTM Middle School offers various after-school clubs and intramural activities (see last section of this Course Catalog). For seventh and eighth graders, after-school athletic practices will conclude by 5:00 (unless there is an away game). Late buses will depart at 5:15 p.m. Any eligible transportation student may sign up for the late bus. Students are not allowed in the building after 3:15 unless they are part of a supervised school activity or athletic event.
Block Scheduling
All students follow a basic alternating day block schedule. Rather than all classes meeting daily, classes meet every other day for extended “blocks” of time. This alternate-day schedule is also referred to as “A/B”. There are four blocks or periods each day. Because of the alternate day schedule, students may take eight classes at a time. Four classes are on A days and the other four classes are on B days.
Some advantages of this block schedule include a reduction in the number of classes students must attend and prepare for each day, and extended amounts of time for learning to apply knowledge through hands-on activities, group discussions, projects, and performance assessments. Block scheduling provides time for students who need more or less time to engage in learning; greater opportunities for some students to be accelerated; an increase of uninterrupted time for learning activities, extensive practice, and laboratory work; and blocks of time to allow and encourage teachers to use active teaching strategies and promote greater student involvement.
New Student Orientation & Open House
All new students to KSTM will participate in an all-day orientation program on the first day of school. Student orientations will be held in August to provide students with knowledge about the school and programming. Also, students and parents will be invited to Wildcat Welcome to answer questions, review course schedules, and to enhance familiarity with new processes (e.g., location of lockers and practice with their combination lock). During the summer, we host a Wildcat Welcome Camp filled with fun hands-on preparation activities for middle school. Wildcat Welcome Camp is for incoming sixth graders.
Content Standards
All courses are based upon content standards that align with the state of Nebraska academic content standards and for those of the Omaha school district. Content standards are what a student should know and be able to do in each course. Teachers will also know how to inform and improve instruction using a variety of assessments. Mastery of content standards is also measured through diagnostic assessments using an information management computer system called MAP (Measures of Academic Progress). The Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System (NSCAS) measures student proficiency. Student grades will be based in large part on the mastery of each course’s content standards. Students will have multiple opportunities to master the content standards during the course through reteaching activities. In addition, students who master the content standards quickly will have opportunities for extension activities that expand learning
Advisory is the time set aside in the schedule for students to be engaged with a single staff member in building relationships, setting and tracking academic goals, and developing social emotional skills. This is time well spent supporting student success and building connectedness. KSTM Advisory activities give students a chance to focus attention on character development, decision-making, and life skills.
6th Grade Courses
Required Core Classes
Math 6 (040041 / 040042)
This course covers the 6th grade mathematics content standards. Students will work with integers, fractions, decimals and percent’s, study metric and standard systems of measurement, apply properties of geometry, use data analysis, and solve problems involving multiple-step equations.
Duration: Yearlong Course
English Language Arts Grade 6 (010061 / 010062)
This course supports student mastery of sixth grade writing standards and focuses on developing and applying students' knowledge in language and composition. Students will develop skills in writing, speaking, listening, and multiple literacies as appropriate to this grade level.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Science 6 (060091 / 060092)
This course continues the standards of scientific inquiry, as well as the integration of unifying concepts and processes in science experiences. In this course, the emphasis will be placed on Earth structures and processes, Earth's history, energy, structure and function of living systems, flow of matter and energy in ecosystems, and biodiversity. Students will be taught in a fully equipped science lab. This course will integrate electronic media and communication skills in its content.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Social Studies 6 (035021 / 035022)
This course examines the ancient world by studying Western Europe, Egypt, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. Special attention is given to geography, history, economics, culture and the government in these regions.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Required Specialized Courses
Physical Education 6 (070141 / 070142)
This course is designed to include a wide variety of sporting activities and teach the qualities of sportsmanship, competition, and fitness. It includes learning the rules and regulations for the major sports of volleyball, wrestling, basketball, soccer, and track and field events. Students also participate in a variety of leisure and lifetime activities including badminton, aerobics and more. Students are not required to dress out but should have tennis shoes on for PE day.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Intro to College & Careers 6 (120271/1202725)
Students learn how to effectively explore careers while using the Nebraska Career Education Model and related resources. Students will learn the vocabulary and expectations of effective academic and career planning. A focus will be to discover the relationship between personal-social qualities, interests and skills to a wide variety of careers and post-secondary options to choose from. Emphasis will be given to learn, with opportunities to practice, the Nebraska Career Readiness Standards of Practice, which are current expectations in today's workplace. Students will draw upon these conclusions to implement a Personal Learning Plan to transition into high school with a broad career cluster focus.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Computer Applications I (130001)
This course is designed to emphasize digital life, use business productivity applications, and explore career opportunities in the Business, Marketing, and Management and Communication and Information Systems Career Fields. Students will continue to develop efficient keyboarding skills and production skills. Students will learn to create, compose, edit, and format word processing documents; organize data in a spreadsheet; and prepare digital presentations. An introduction to basic principles in digital media and computer science will be included.
Duration: Semester Course
Elective Courses
Semester Program Exploration choices:
*Pick 1 or both
Health Careers Exploration 1 (074301)
Introduction to Health is an exploratory course that will cover various topics related to understanding health. Student will learn about behaviors that will keep their body healthy and free from disease. They will study skeletal and muscle groups and how they interact using 3-D technology. They will also use computers to study various body systems and functions.
Duration: Semester Course
Intro to Animal Habitats (060011)
Students will develop an understanding of animals and their habitats through active research and will observe and collect data to communicate their understanding. They will investigate life cycles of animals within the animal’s habitat and the interdependence of animals with their environment.
Duration: Semester Course
Semester Electives:
Art 6 (115021)This course examines artists' world views. Enduring understandings and ideas include: Art reveals aesthetic theories; Artists create art from multiple perspectives of time, place and culture revealing aesthetic theories; Artistic forms follow function throughout time; Critical processes identify aesthetic theories; and Art reflects the values and beliefs of a civilization/society. Students will play the role of artist, philosopher, historian, and archeologist to explore world art throughout time.
Duration: Semester Course
Anthropology (036061)
This course will focus on projects based on Ancient Civilizations through Medieval Civilizations. This course will integrate the following content standards throughout the school year: maps/globes, culture, history and geography, economics, citizenship, and government. This course will integrate electronic media and communication skills in its content.
Duration: Semester Course
Chorus 6 (195081/195082)
In this course, sixth grade students will continue to develop their skills for reading and singing two and three-part octavo music. This emphasis is on vocal ensemble performance. There will be required performances.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Exploring Robotics 6 (170471)
Exploring Robotics 6 is an introduction to robotics, engineering, programming, problem solving, and team dynamics.
Duration: Semester Course
Music Activities (190031)
Music Activities class is available to 6th - 12th grade students who have an interest in developing musical skill through the playing of classroom instruments. Pitch, rhythm and harmony will be introduced by playing recorders, hand-chimes, melodia and/or guitar. Some performing experience may be scheduled as an extension of classroom experiences..
Duration: Yearlong Course
Speech 6 (025151)
This course builds on the fundamentals of speech and debate. This course continues to focus on higher-level research and presentation skills and allows students additional hands-on experiences to polish their verbal presentation and listening abilities. Sixth grade students will recite poetry and plays with expression, and research and develop persuasive speech.
Duration: Semester Course
Continue with one of the following elective options:Band 6 (195041 / 195042)
This course is a band ensemble for sixth grade students who are continuing instruction on a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument. Basic music concepts will be advanced as the student learns to read music and develop skills in playing their instrument of choice. A method book is used as the lesson guide. Performances will be required. Prerequisite: one-year previous instruction.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Strings 6 (195021 / 195022)
This course is the string ensemble for sixth grade students who are continuing instruction on violin, viola, cello, or string bass. Basic music concepts will be advanced as the student learns to read music and develop skills in playing their instrument of choice. A method book is used as the lesson guide. Performances will be required. Prerequisite: two years previous instruction.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Enrichment Courses
*Students will be placed in the following enrichment class options based upon test scores, 5th grade course grades, and teacher recommendations.
Reading Skills 6 (011302)
This course is designed for readers who have a foundation in decoding skills, but experience difficulty comprehending grade-level material. The curriculum focuses on strengthening fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary skills. Placement is based on standardized test scores and teacher recommendation.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Advanced Math 6 (045041/045042)
This course will extend the learning opportunities for students who are prepared for the rigorous and challenging curriculum extension through the development of the number system carried on in the earlier elementary grades. Content includes work on the fundamental operations and using these operations with the various subsets of the real number system, such as whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. This course also addresses unit conversions within a system of measurement, geometry, data analysis, two-step equations and problem-solving. All math classes at the sixth-grade level will integrate electronic media and communication skills.
This course meets for a full block every other day all year.6th graders will be placed in Advanced Math 6 based on standardized test scores, Math performance, and teacher recommendation.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Honors Special Project 6 (011031)
This course offers a wide variety of experiences that align with gifted and talented programming standards. Learning opportunities meet grade level objectives in problem-solving, critical thinking, creative thinking, inquiry, cultural proficiency, metacognition and affective skills.
Duration: Semester Course
7th Grade Courses
Required Core Classes
Math 7 (041631 / 041632)
This course covers the content standards for Seventh Grade Math. Students will perform operations with whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and integers, solve proportions and percent problems, convert measurements within systems, use plane geometry, and solve equations and real-life problems. Due to the extended time spent in this daily block course, students will earn 2 credits per semester.
Duration: Yearlong Course
English Language Arts Grade 7 (010091/010092)
English Language Arts Grade 7 supports student mastery of seventh grade language arts standards and focuses on development and application of skills in grade level reading, writing, speaking, listening, and multiple literacies. Students will read a variety of literary and informational texts and write in a variety of modes using numerous tools and organizational frameworks. Students will also learn appropriate and safe use of digital tools related to research.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Science 7 (060161/060162)
Science 7 engages students in the three dimensions (science practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts) of learning as identified by the Nebraska College and Career Ready Standards for Science. The topics include structure and properties of matter, chemical reactions, interdependent relationships in ecosystems, matter and energy in organisms and ecosystems, Earth's systems, and history of Earth.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Social Studies 7 (030071 / 030072)
This course examines the world we live in by studying Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. Special attention is given to the geography, history, economics, culture, and elements of citizenship within the regions studied. Along with their texts, students use technology, novels, current events, and interdisciplinary activities to expand their understanding of the Eastern Hemisphere. This is the first semester of this course.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Required Specialized Classes
Physical Education 7 (070151 / 070152)
This is a survey course involving students in the development of personal fitness and participation in a variety of sports, games, and dance activities.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Intro to College & Careers 7 (120281/120282)
Students will continue to explore careers using the Nebraska Career Education Model. A focus will be to make connections between personal aptitudes and interests to specific Career Fields and Clusters. Students will have opportunities to practice and develop skills in the Nebraska Career Readiness Standards of Practice. Students will draw from class learning, skill development and activities to begin a Personal Learning Plan to transition into high school with a broad career cluster focus.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Semester Academy Exploration choices:
*Pick 1 or both
Health Careers Exploration 2 (074302)
This course is an introduction to Health Science careers after taking Health Career Exploration 1, but is not required. The course will provide experiences along with information and knowledge related to the health care field on an exploratory basis.
Duration: Semester Course
Zoo Architecture 7 (061491)
Utilizing the engineering and design process, students will collaboratively create projects that relate to the logistics of building a zoo. Students will study computer simulated design, architecture, and engineering concepts and regulations for designing structures and habitats for zoos with a focus on study and conservation.
Duration: Semester Course
Semester Electives:
Art 7 (110071)Throughout this course, students will experience a wide variety of artistic materials and examine the artistic communication and expression of identity by several artists, past and present. Aesthetic theories of Expressionism and Imitationalism will also be studied in depth. As they do so, they will be creating their own artwork about personal identity.
Duration: Semester Course
Astronomy 7 (061111)
Students work within a rigorous framework of galaxy study and cosmology, the study of the cosmos. Much of the study will be done in the school planetarium. Students are encouraged to further their study of astronomy by using this course as a part of their Science Fair research and study. Students will be required to begin work on a digital portfolio for the class.
Duration: Semester Course
Chorus 7 (190061/190062)
Chorus 7 is available to seventh grade students who have special interests and abilities in choral singing. Vocal skills are introduced through appropriate unison, two and three-part singing. Musical independence is encouraged through increasing emphasis on musical notation. Performance opportunities are an extension of the classroom experience.
Duration: Yearlong course
Communications 7 (010060)
Communications 7 will enable students to build an understanding of the elements, principles, and characteristics of human communication. This course emphasizes concepts including, but not limited to, the foundations of communication, interpersonal relationships, and the impact of technology on communication. Students will also have the opportunity to be informed about possible careers in communication.
Duration: Semester course
Exploring Robotics 1 (170051)
Exploring Robotics 1 is an introduction to robotics, engineering, programming, team dynamics and technical drafting.
Duration: Semester Course
Lifetime Fitness (070411)
Students will learn skills related to living a healthy life through physical wellness, but will also touch on nutrition and overall well-being.
Duration: Semester Course
Computer Applications II (130011)
This course will expand on previous concepts of digital life, productivity applications and career opportunities. Students will go beyond fundamental creating and editing skills in word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software to more advanced features applicable to workplace skills. Students will be introduced to the role of technology in society and specific career opportunities.
Duration: Semester Course
Continue with one of the following elective options:
Intermediate Strings (190721)This course is offered to seventh and eighth grade students who have successfully completed several years study. Instrumental technique and musical understandings focus on standard string method studies and appropriate string orchestra selections. The instrumentation includes violin, viola, cello and string bass. Students with previous instrumental experience may begin changeover instruction on the low string instruments. Performance may be included as an extension of classroom activities.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Intermediate Band (190531)
This course is offered to seventh grade students who began instrumental music instruction in their respective elementary schools or for eighth grade students who began instrumental music in seventh grade beginning band. Instrumental technique and musical understanding focus on the second volume of standard instrumental studies and appropriate band arrangements. Performance is included as an extension of the classroom activities.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Enrichment Courses
*Students will be placed in the following enrichment class options based upon test scores, 6th grade course grades, and teacher recommendations.
Concert Choir 8 (190011/190012)
Concert Choir is an auditioned based ensemble intended for 7th and 8th grade students looking to further their musical understanding and choral singing. Choral music is introduced in two and three parts that include bass clef participation. Vocal emphasis is placed on the introduction of the male changing voice and greater extension of all voice ranges. Performance opportunities including the All City Music Festival are an extension of the classroom experience. Outside of school performances are an expectation for this class. Prerequisites: Audition.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Honors PreAlgebra (041651 / 041652)
This course is designed to meet the needs of the student who will benefit from a transition course which bridges the similarities of arithmetic and algebra. This course will contain spiraling reinforcement of basic algebraic concepts and topics in order to prepare students for successful placement in Algebra 1-2. This course will cover the content standards for pre-algebra, including operations on real numbers, conversions among fractions, decimals, and percents, solving linear equations and inequalities, graphing linear equations, working with polynomials, and using measures of central tendency to interpret data. Due to the extended time spent in this daily block course, students earn two credits per semester.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Honors English Language Arts Grade 7 (010101 / 010102)
Honors English Language Arts Grade 7 course supports student mastery of seventh grade language arts standards and focuses on development and application of skills in grade level reading, writing, speaking, listening, and multiple literacies. Students will read a variety of literary and informational texts and write in a variety of modes using numerous tools and organizational frameworks. Students will also learn appropriate and safe use of digital tools related to research. Tasks and/or projects will be completed that require rigorous and deep critical thinking skills as they apply to English language arts.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Honors Science 7 (062171 / 062172)
Honors Science 7 engages students in the three dimensions (science practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts) of learning as identified by the Nebraska College and Career Ready Standards for Science. The topics include structure and properties of matter, chemical reactions, interdependent relationships in ecosystems, matter and energy in organisms and ecosystems, Earth's systems, history of Earth, heredity, and natural selection and adaptations. This course provides a foundation for other science courses. Students enrolled in honor courses have additional experiences that require a more rigorous program of study.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Honors Special Project 7 (010961)
This course offers a wide variety of experiences that align with gifted and talented programming standards. Learning opportunities meet grade level objectives in problem-solving, critical thinking, creative thinking, inquiry, cultural proficiency, metacognition and affective skills.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Reading Skills 7 (011282)
This course is designed for readers who have a foundation in decoding skills, but experience difficulty comprehending grade-level material. The curriculum focuses on strengthening fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary skills. Placement is based on standardized test scores and teacher recommendation.
Duration: Yearlong Course
JAG (188011)
Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) is a graduation enhancement program focusing on personal and career development and future readiness. The class will participate in a variety of classroom activities, assignments, exploration, guest speakers, mentorship, and guidance. Each member will become part of a student leadership organization and have several opportunities to further unlock and enhance their potential. This is the middle-level experience/course that students would be enrolled into prior to high school.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Science Scholars (060851/060852)
Science Scholars directly exposes the student to scientific research. Students will independently and/or collaboratively investigate and develop a science project during the course of the school year. Independent research, problem solving techniques, and the principles of scientific investigation will be studied and applied. Students will also have the opportunity to enter their projects in local, state, and national science competitions.
Duration: Yearlong Course
8th Grade Courses
Required Core Classes
Language Arts 8 (010151/010152)
This course supports student mastery of eighth grade standards and focuses on developing and applying students' knowledge in language, literature, and composition and on developing students’ skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and multiple literacy as appropriate for this grade level. Students will write descriptive, narrative, literary, expository, persuasive, and technical pieces for various purposes and audiences using a variety of tools and strategies.
Duration: Yearlong
Math 8 (040671/040672)
This course provides experiences that include practice in numeration, computation, estimation, problem solving, geometry/special concepts and measurement. It introduces algebraic and statistical concepts and provides opportunities for students to develop understanding of the structure of mathematics as outlined in the Nebraska State Standards for 8th grade.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Science 8 (060271/060272)
Science 8 engages students in the three dimensions (science practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts) of learning as identified by the Nebraska College and Career Ready Standards for Science. The topics include forces and interactions, waves and electromagnetic radiation, energy, heredity: inheritance and variation of traits, biological evolution, space systems, and history of Earth. This course provides the foundations for other science coursework.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Social Studies 8 (030141/030142)
This course explores the ideas, issues, and events from the adoption of the United States Constitution to the Gilded Age. Instruction is organized around the themes of geography, history, economics, and civics. Students investigate key people, events, ideas, and cultures of our country using historical thinking and primary and secondary sources.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Required Specialized Courses
Physical Education 8 (070801/070802)
This course will use current Physical Education standards and Human Growth and Development pacing.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Intro to College & Careers 8 (120291/120292)
Students will be using previous career exploration around the Nebraska Career Education Model and their understanding of the Nebraska Career Readiness Standards to complete independent and collaborative projects aligned with their aptitudes and interests. Additional opportunities for career readiness skill development will be incorporated. Students will review and add to their Personal Learning Plan to demonstrate personal responsibility for career preparation.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Semester Electives:
Art 8 (110099)
This course allows students to be innovative and reflect on their own experiences as many American artists have and do today. American artists were and are on the forefront of shaping America’s identity through recording the human experience in innovative ways. Throughout this course, students will continue to develop their artistic voice and style and explore how they do and will play a part in society. Students will examine art and artists throughout American history focusing on America’s diversity and influence. Aesthetic theories of Instrumentalism, Expressionism and Formalism will be studied as well.
Duration: Semester Course
Astronomy 8 (061121)
Students work within a rigorous framework of galaxy study and cosmology, the study of the cosmos. Much of the study will be done in the school planetarium. Students are encouraged to further their study of astronomy by using this course as a part of their Science Fair research and study. Students will be required to begin work on a digital portfolio for the class.
Duration: Semester Course
Challenge Math (040651)
This course is designed to be taken concurrently with a math course from the standard sequence. This course offers enrichment to students who wish to go beyond the math instruction of the regular classroom.
Duration: Semester Course
Drama 8 (020721)
Drama 2 provides an introduction to drama and theater as an art form. Students enrolled in this course will learn and apply basic principles of acting and fundamentals of stage terminology and audience etiquette. Participants will study, experience, and perform pantomime, improvisation, monologues, original scenes, and create, write, and perform original scripts/plays. An introduction to theater history.
Duration: Semester Course
Exploring Robotics 2 (170051)
Exploring Robotics 2 is an introduction to robotics, engineering, programming, team dynamics and technical drafting.
Duration: Semester Course
Computer Applications (130021)
This course is designed for students to apply digital skills to real-life opportunities. Independent and collaborative projects will incorporate knowledge of digital citizenship, digital literacy, application software (word processing, spreadsheet, presentation), and workplace skills. Students will be able to explore and research career or technology areas of interest to design and create products for a specific purpose and audience.
Duration: Semester Course
Lifetime Fitness (070411)
Students will learn skills related to living a healthy life through physical wellness, but will also touch on nutrition and overall well-being.
Duration: Semester Course
Journalism 8 (025071/025072)
This course focuses on introducing students to the print aspect of journalism. Students will take part in developing, writing, revising, editing and publishing print materials ranging from brochures to a school newspaper and yearbook. Based in the belief that the more one writes, the better one writes, this is first and foremost a lab for writing. Distinguishing between and among the different purposes one has for writing will be the primary basis for this class.
Duration: Semester Course
Chorus 8 (190101/190102)
Chorus 8 is available to eighth grade students who have special interests and abilities in choral singing. Choral music is introduced in two and three parts that include bass clef participation. Vocal emphasis is placed on the introduction of the male changing voice and greater extension of all voice ranges. Performance opportunities including the All-City Music Festival are an extension of the classroom experience.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Program Courses:*Students can apply to join the Zoo Crew or Health Careers program in the spring of their 7th grade year.
Intro to Zoology (061461/061462)
The Zoo Program is an advanced studies program that focuses on animal sciences which is a combination of zoology, animal anatomy, conservation, and advanced animal habitats. Through our partnership with the Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium during monthly field trips students will participate in field studies and exclusive behind-the-scenes experiences with zoo experts. Students also learn from other experts in the fields of veterinary sciences, horticulture, and animal behavioral sciences. This program provides the opportunity for students to get a head start for possible admittance to the Zoo Academy in high school.
Health Career Exploration Clinical (074131/074132)
The Health Career Program is an advanced studies program that blends biological concepts and anatomy & physiology with authentic experiences working in a healthcare setting. Students will investigate the vast field of health science and receive Heartsaver CPR/AED/First Aid training. Students will be participating in several unique health-related experiences designed to give students professional exposure and prepare students for future endeavors. This unique program provides students on campus learning opportunities at Clarkson College, University of Nebraska Omaha, University of Nebraska Lincoln and Creighton University.
Enrichment Courses
*Students will be placed in the following enrichment class options based upon test scores, 7th grade course grades, and teacher recommendations.
Honors Language Arts 8 (010161/010162)
This course is the same as Language Arts 8, with even greater emphasis placed on the in-depth study of selected topics and works, additional composition alternatives, and critical and creative thinking development opportunities.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Honors Algebra 1-2 (040281/040282)
This course is the honors section of Algebra 1-2. It covers traditional algebra topics including operations with signed numbers and polynomials, solving first-and second-degree equations, verbal problems, systems of linear equations, graphing and writing linear equations and inequalities, and simplifying exponential expressions. As an honors class, these topics will be covered in greater depth and with enrichment.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Honors Geometry 1-2 (041671/041672)
This course is the honors section of Geometry 1-2. Topics include congruence and similarity of figures, parallelism and perpendicularity, right triangle relationships, formal and informal proof, coordinate geometry, properties of polygons and circles, and perimeter, area, and volume of two- and three-dimensional figures. As an honors class, each topic will be covered in greater depth and with enrichment. This course is the first semester of Honors Geometry 1-2. Students enrolling in this course should have proficient or advanced grades in both semesters of Honors Algebra 1-2, or advanced grades both semesters of Algebra 1-2 and teacher recommendation.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Honors Physical Science 8 (060291/060292)
Honors Physical Science Grade 8 engages students in the three dimensions (science practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts) of learning as identified by the Nebraska College and Career Ready Standards for Science. The topics include forces and interactions, waves and electromagnet radiation, structure and properties of matter, energy, chemical reactions, space systems, weather and climate, and Earth's systems. This course provides a foundation for other science courses and meets the district requirement for Physical Science. Students enrolled in honor courses have additional experiences that require a more rigorous program of study.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Science Scholars (060851/060852)
Science Scholars directly exposes the student to scientific research. Students will independently and/or collaboratively investigate and develop a science project during the course of the school year. Independent research, problem solving techniques, and the principles of scientific investigation will be studied and applied. Students will also have the opportunity to enter their projects in local, state, and national science competitions.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Alternate Curriculum Program Courses
6th Grade ACP Required Courses
Language Arts 6S (091401/091402)
This Special Education course is for students in the Alternate Curriculum Program only. The course covers functional reading and writing skills to support community access and independent living. In addition, the course focuses on identifying main ideas and supporting details represented in functional symbols, objects, and/or words. Students participate in the Nebraska Alternate Assessment.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Read Skills 6S (093091/093091)
This Special Education course is for students in the Alternate Curriculum Program only. The course covers functional reading and writing skills to support community access and independent living. In addition, the course focuses on identifying main ideas and supporting details represented in functional symbols, objects, and/or words. Students participate in the Nebraska Alternate Assessment.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Mathematics 6S (091441/091442)
This Special Education course is for students in the Alternate Curriculum Program only. The course covers functional math skills to support community access and independent living. In addition, the course focuses on the development of measurement; specifically the selection of measurement tools and the measurement of quantities of time. Students participate in the Nebraska Alternate Assessment.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Science 6S (092211/092212)
This Special Education course is for students in the Alternate Curriculum Program only. The course continues the standards of scientific inquiry as well as the integration of unifying concepts and processes in science experiences.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Social Studies 6S (091621/091622)
This Special Education course is for students in the Alternate Curriculum Program only. The course focuses on the demonstration of skills in historical research. Students participate in the Nebraska Alternate Assessment.
Duration: Yearlong Course
6th Grade ACP Elective Courses
Art 6 (115021)
This course examines artists' world views. Enduring understandings and ideas include: Art reveals aesthetic theories; Artists create art from multiple perspectives of time, place and culture revealing aesthetic theories; Artistic forms follow function throughout time; Critical processes identify aesthetic theories; and Art reflects the values and beliefs of a civilization/society. Students will play the role of artist, philosopher, historian, and archeologist to explore world art throughout time.
Duration: Semester Course
Exploring Robotics 6 (170471)
Exploring Robotics 6 is an introduction to robotics, engineering, programming, problem solving, and team dynamics.
Duration: Semester Course
General Vocal Music 6 (195061)
In this course sixth grade students will explore music as part of everyday life, including studying various styles, understanding musical elements, and experimenting with aspects of performance.
Duration: Semester Course
Chorus 6 (195081/195082)
In this course sixth grade students will continue to develop their skill for reading and singing two and three-part octavo music. This emphasis is on vocal ensemble performance. There will be required performances.
Duration: Yearlong Course
7th Grade ACP Required Courses
Language Arts 7S (091101/091102)
This Special Education course is for students in the Alternate Curriculum Program only. The course covers functional reading and writing skills to support community access and independent living. In addition, the course focuses on identifying main ideas and supporting details represented in functional symbols, objects and/or words. Students participate in the Nebraska Alternate Assessment.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Mathematics 7S (091141/091142)
This Special Education course is for students in the Alternate Curriculum Program only. The course covers functional math skills to support community access and independent living. In addition, the course focuses on the development of measurement; specifically the selection of measurement tools and the measurement of quantities of time. Students participate in the Nebraska Alternate Assessment.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Science 7S (092311/092312)
This Special Education course is for students in the Alternate Curriculum Program only. The course continues the standards of scientific inquiry as well as the integration of unifying concepts and processes in science experiences.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Social Studies 7S (091121/091122)
This Special Education course is for students in the Alternate Curriculum Program only. The course focuses on the demonstration of skills in historical research. Students participate in the Nebraska Alternate Assessment.
Duration: Yearlong Course
7th Grade ACP Elective Courses
Art 7 (110071)
Throughout this course, students will experience a wide variety of artistic materials and examine the artistic communication and expression of identity by several artists, past and present. Aesthetic theories of Expressionism and Imitationalism will also be studied in depth. As they do so, they will be creating their own artwork about personal identity.
Duration: Semester Course
Exploring Robotics 1 (170051)
Exploring Robotics 1 is an introduction to robotics, engineering, programming, team dynamics and technical drafting.
Duration: Semester Course
Lifetime Fitness (070411)
Students will learn skills related to living a healthy life through physical wellness, but will also touch on nutrition and overall well-being.
Duration: Semester Course
8th Grade ACP Required Courses
Language Arts 8S (091111/091112)
This Special Education course is for students in the Alternate Curriculum Program only. The course covers functional reading and writing skills to support community access and independent living. In addition, the course focuses on identifying main ideas and supporting details represented in functional symbols, objects and/or words. Students participate in the Nebraska Alternate Assessment.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Read Skills 8S (090101/090102)
This Special Education course is for students in the Alternate Curriculum Program only. The course covers functional reading and writing skills to support community access and independent living. In addition, the course focuses on identifying main ideas and supporting details represented in functional symbols, objects and/or words. Students participate in the Nebraska Alternate Assessment.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Mathematics 8S (091151/091152)
This Special Education course is for students in the Alternate Curriculum Program only. The course covers functional math skills to support community access and independent living. In addition, the course focuses on the development of measurement, specifically the selection of measurement tools and the measurement of quantities of time. Students participate in the Nebraska Alternate Assessment.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Science 8S (092411/092412)
This Special Education course is for students in the Alternate Curriculum Program only. The course continues the standards of scientific inquiry as well as the integration of unifying concepts and processes in science experiences.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Social Studies 8S (091131/091132)
This Special Education course is for students in the Alternate Curriculum Program only. The course focuses on the demonstration of skills in historical research. Students participate in the Nebraska Alternate Assessment.
Duration: Yearlong Course
8th Grade ACP Elective Courses
Art 8 (110099)
This course allows students to be innovative and reflect on their own experiences as many American artists have and do today. American artists were and are on the forefront of shaping America’s identity through recording the human experience in innovative ways. Throughout this course, students will continue to develop their artistic voice and style and explore how they do and will play a part in society. Students will examine art and artists throughout American history focusing on America’s diversity and influence. Aesthetic theories of Instrumentalism, Expressionism and Formalism will be studied as well.
Duration: Semester Course
Exploring Robotics 2 (170051)
Exploring Robotics 2 is an introduction to robotics, engineering, programming, team dynamics and technical drafting.
Duration: Semester Course
Lifetime Fitness (070411)
Students will learn skills related to living a healthy life through physical wellness, but will also touch on nutrition and overall well-being.
Duration: Semester Course
General Vocal Music 8
General/Vocal Music 8 continues the development of musical concepts and skills. Greater knowledge and appreciation of musical periods and styles are encouraged through appropriate studies. Vocal emphasis is placed on the introduction of the male changing voice and greater extension of all voice ranges.
Duration: Yearlong Course
English as a Second Language Courses
ELD Courses
ELD A Block 1 (153141)
This course is meant for schools that have smaller EL populations or limited staffing and need to implement a single block of ESL A. It should only be used with prior CIS-EL approval. This course meets every other day and is worth 1 credit. This course is intended for beginning proficiency level English learners. It focuses on increasing ELs' academic English skills in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing to an early-intermediate level as measured by the ELP Achievement Level Descriptors. The language and literacy integrated curriculum provide students with a balanced approach to learning English through applying comprehension skills to study authentic literature, informational texts, foundational literacy skills, academic vocabulary development, and academic writing with contextualized grammar. Special attention will be given to develop ELs' oral language through integration of academic conversations. The curriculum for ESL classes is aligned to the English Language Proficiency standards and is in support of academic language development required for the core content-area standards' mastery.
Duration: Yearlong Course
ELD B Block 1 (153151)
This course is meant for schools that have smaller EL populations or limited staffing and need to implement a single block of ESL B. It should only be used with prior CIS-EL approval. This course meets every other day and is worth 1 credit. This course is intended for intermediate proficiency level English learners. The focus of the course will be to increase ELs' academic English skills in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing to an intermediate level as measured by the ELP Achievement Level Descriptors. The language and literacy integrated curriculum will focus on strengthening comprehension and interaction with complex text through utilization of high-yield comprehension strategies, academic conversations, academic vocabulary and writing and grammar skills required to produce academic writing. The curriculum for ESL classes is aligned to the English Language Proficiency standards and is in support of academic language development required for the core content-area standards' mastery.
Prerequisite: Placement based upon OPS Placement Guidelines.
Duration: Yearlong Course
ESL Reading A (153211)
This course offers students learning English as a second language beginning reading instruction in English.
Prerequisite: Placement based upon OPS Placement Guidelines.
Duration: Yearlong Course
ESL Reading B (153231)
This course is designed for intermediate ESL students who need additional help to improve their reading skills. Emphasis is on developing fluency, summarizing and sequencing events in a reading passage, recognizing cause and effect, and using systematic strategies to locate information from textbooks, charts, graphs, and tables which may be used in mainstream classes.
Prerequisite: Placement based upon OPS Placement Guidelines.
Duration: Yearlong Course
ESL Transitions (153161)
This course is designed for advanced ESL students with a focus on developing increased fluency and comprehension in reading more advanced materials and use a wide range of strategies to construct oral and written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence. Successful completion of learning goals from ESL B or demonstration of equivalent skills is required for registration in this course.
Prerequisite: Placement based upon OPS Placement Guidelines.
Duration: Yearlong Course
Course Placement Guidelines
Course Placement Appeals
All secondary Omaha Public Schools offer procedures for appealing course placement (i.e., Honors, Adv, etc.). Each building may have specific forms and deadlines; however, the following general procedures shall apply:
Level One: Counselor, Assistant Principal-Data Processor, or Principal
A student or parent with a course placement appeal may first discuss the matter with the counselor or building administrator involved, with the object of resolving the matter informally.
Level Two: Chief Academic Officer (Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment)
If the course placement appeal is not resolved at Level One and the individual still wishes to pursue the appeal, he/she may formalize the appeal in writing addressed to the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment at 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE 68131.
Level Three: Superintendent
If the appeal is not resolved at Level Two and the individual still wishes to pursue the appeal, he/she may formalize the appeal to the superintendent of schools after receiving a written response from the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment.
These steps shall be taken in a timely manner to accommodate the registration of courses for the school year in question.
Course Placement Challenge Procedures
Requests to drop a course will be initiated to the school counselor by the student or parent/guardian.
Procedures for requesting a course change:
- Conversation with the parent/guardian.
- Fill out a counselor's request QR code or email counselor.
- Counselor conferencing with teacher, student, and parent/guardian
- Problem-solving with all affected parties.