What is a Learning Coach?


    What does a Learning Coach Do?

    • Provide academic support, guidance, and motivation throughout the school year.
    • Establish a distraction-free learning space at home
    • Create and implement a daily school schedule.
    • Commit to dedicating uninterrupted time each day to work one-on-one with your student. This could be up to 6 hours daily for K-5 students and up to 3 hours daily for 6-12th grade students.


    Who can be a Learning Coach?

    • A parent/guardian or adult that is with the student, daily, to ensure that they are engaged in learning.
    • The primary contact for OVS staff to communicate with regarding their learning and progress.
    • A learning coach must be identified at the time of enrollment along with their contact information.


    What is the time commitment to be a Learning Coach?

    • Grades K-5, 4-6 hours per day
    • Middle School, 1-3 hours per day
    • High School, 1-3 hours per day


    Kindergarten-2nd Grade

    • Sit with your student and actively teach for 4-6 hours per day.
    • Create a detailed schedule for your student and teach them how to follow it.  This structure is essential to success and building independence in learning.
    • Communicate with the teacher and ensure your student attends all required sessions, both in-person and online.


    3rd-5th Grade

    • Spend 4-6 hours per day working with your student.
    • Be actively engaged and available throughout the school day.
    • Help your student build a schedule and adhere to that schedule, daily.
    • Keep your student motivated and on track.  Teach time management to develop good work habits.


    Middle and High School

    • Spend 1-3 hours per day working with your student.
    • Help your student implement a regular schedule and develop time management skills.
    • Help student stay on track and redirect when they become distracted.
    • Make sure your student attends all in-person and online classes.
    • Regularly communicate with teachers to support your student.