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Monroe Middle Social Worker Highlights Importance of Their Role During Social Worker Month
March is National Social Worker month and our district values their dedication to our students, staff and families. Liz Casey, Monroe Middle social worker, shares a glimpse into the resources offered at Omaha Public Schools.
“Social workers are a jack-of-all-trades,” said Casey. “We help kids with schoolwork, provide mental health and behavior resources, we offer food, hygiene and clothing assistance, among many other services.”
Casey relies on community partnerships to provide resources for students and their families. She collaborates with teachers to support students and provides a space for students to take a break during the day.
“Even on the toughest days, the students are the best part of my job,” said Casey. “When they know I will show up for them and they can depend on me, it creates a special bond.”
Before joining Monroe Middle, Casey worked in Child Protective Services and hospitals. She first joined Omaha Public Schools to have a schedule that worked for her family. She quickly found herself using skills from her previous work experience to make a difference for her students.