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Omaha Public Schools Announces Plans for 2022-23 Staffing, Proposes Investment in Current Employees
At an April 2022 Board of Education workshop, Omaha Public Schools announced that certificated staff resignations had already reached the previous school year’s total. As of May 19, 2022, numbers were 497 resignations and 97 retirements. At the public meeting, district staff also outlined many recruitment and staff pipeline initiatives.
Omaha Public Schools is thoughtfully planning for the 2022-23 school year and will continue to hire for all open positions. District and school leaders also need to build schedules based on the staff who are currently committed. We have updated our 2022-23 staffing plan to anticipate that approximately 230 certificated positions will remain unfilled across our district in August. As we are able to hire qualified staff, that number may adjust through the summer.
Depending on the school, grade and subject, some class sizes will remain the same. Others may see an increase of two to five students from an average enrollment. We know some classes, like high school music, have always been larger while specialized classes are not. We have worked as a district to limit the size of primary classes, understanding unique needs across our many elementary schools. As we address these needs district-wide, Teacher Administrative Center (TAC) staff will continue to visit schools to substitute teach and support lunch or office duties, as they did this school year.
Recognizing the greater demands on current staff during this time, the Omaha Public Schools Board of Education approved an amendment to its Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund plan on June 6, 2022. This would provide eligible staff (all full-time staff and part-time staff working more than 20 hours weekly) with a one-time stipend in both the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years. Now that this investment is Board-approved, district leaders will engage bargaining units, who need to agree to accept the stipend as well. The Nebraska Department of Education would give a final endorsement to the proposed ESSER fund amendment.
“While these challenges impact every school district and every professional field, our work in Omaha Public Schools is too important. We are resolute in delivering high-quality, in-person learning for the students we serve,” wrote Board of Education President Shavonna Holman, Ed.D. and Superintendent Cheryl Logan, Ed.D. to district staff and families.
Omaha Public Schools will update staff and families throughout the summer. Stay tuned to District News and Announcements at ops.org as well as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn for the latest information.
To apply for a position with Omaha Public Schools, click here.