School Improvement Plan

  • Academics

    Goal 1:  Increase the percentage of students at or above the grade level mean RIT by 3% as measured by NWEA MAP.  In the Spring of 2022, 94 out of 127 or 74% of Kindergarten through Fifth Grade students scored at or above the grade level mean RIT.

    Staff Retention & Development

    Goal 1:  Increase staff participation in the school climate survey by 25%. In the Spring of 2022, 0 out of 31 or 0% of staff completed the survey.

    Goal 2:  Increase parent participation in the school climate survey by 20%. In the Spring of 2022, 3 out of 127 parents completed the survey.

    Attendance & Behavior

    Goal 1:  Increase the number of students not chronically absent by 5% as measured by the OPS Attendance Dashboard.  In the 2021-2022 school year, 55 out of 132 or 41.7% of students were not chronically absent.

    School Improvement Plan