Title 1 Information

  • Title 1 Abstract
    Miller Park Elementary – Omaha Public Schools

    Miller Park Elementary resides at 5625 N 28th Ave in Omaha Nebraska. As a Title 1 school, we serve approximately 400 students in grades Head Start through Fifth grade. Ninety-four percent of our students receive free or reduced lunch.

    We are a positive, proactive and disciplined learning environment where all members of our school community are expected to demonstrate respect for one another and value education. We work diligently throughout the year setting academic and citizenship goals to promote and achieve steady growth. Students know they must give their best and have the mindset and work habits to accomplish goals and prepare for their future. We are all about high expectations and accountability! Staff provide rigorous instruction using a wide variety of curriculum, technology and instructional strategies to challenge students to reach their fullest potential.
    Our staff strives to increase student achievement by teaching to the individual needs of each student. We continually monitor each student’s successes and struggles and provide a “differentiated” learning/instructional experience for students who may be working above or below grade level. We believe all students have the ability to reach their individual potentials, and each student sets individual goals based on their current academic performance.
    Parents and guardians are actively involved and support school endeavors. We have great relationships with the community and are part of Partnership 4 Kids Programs. Our school improvement plan is a dynamic plan that functions as a guide to lead our students toward individual success in the areas of math, reading, science, wellness and secure, safe and disciplined schools. The plan is constantly monitored by our SIP committees and principal council members and updated throughout the year and as the need arises.
    Our goal have focused on Math, Reading, Science, Wellness and Behavior. Academically we strive to increase the overall NeSA scores by 5 percent in all areas. To address wellness we host an annual field day for the students and participate as a building in Jump Rope for Heart. Our behavior goal is to continue to reduce suspensions by three percent each year. 
    Miller Park receives 100% parent support in our improvement process. We are very proud that Miller Park is continually recognized as a school that attains the highest parent attendance percentages in our District during parent teacher conferences held in October and February. We have had a 100% turnout both conference times for the past 15 years.