Phone: 531-299-1800
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Lynnette Keyes
Welcome to Masters Elementary School, home of the Monarchs. We are excited to have you visit our website and to share information with you about our school and all the wonderful things happening here.
Masters Elementary has an enrollment of approximately 275 students. We currently have two kindergartens, 2 first grades, 2 third grades, 2 fourth grades, 2 fifth grades and a K-3 Behavior Skills Program (BSP) classroom.
The staff at Masters Elementary is dedicated, creative, and enthusiastic. They hold high expectations for students and strive to improve student achievement.
We value the support and input of our parents and community and encourage a cooperative partnership with the school. We will create a community of learners with the combined efforts of students, staff, parents, and the community.
Masters Elementary is a great school with a positive learning environment. I am proud to be a part of it.
Mrs. Lynnette Keyes