After School Clubs & Programs


    Chorus - It is for fifth and sixth graders who want to explore music a little more. We have many performances throughout the year including All City and the Pancake Feed. We enjoy singing a wide variety of music, from the classics to pop.

    Band, and Strings - Participating fourth, fifth, and sixth graders practice and perform music for special events.

    Honor Roll - Students receive quarterly recognition for receiving all A's and B's on their report card.  

    Student Council  - Student Council is made up of fifth and sixth grade leaders at Jefferson Elementary. Students must apply at the beginning of the year and a select number of students are chosen to fulfill the role. Some of the duties include collecting recycling on Fridays, planning Red Ribbon Week, organizing a whole school fundraiser to benefit a community partner and attending a monthly meeting. 


    Intramurals - "We offer athletic opportunities in soccer, basketball, flag football, and volleyball and provide competitive experiences both in-house and against other OPS elementary schools. Jefferson athletics focuses on our sixth graders who will be moving on to middle school, but we also look to include our fifth graders as much as we can."

    Homework Club - Homework help club is available for students in fifth and sixth grade afterschool in the library from 4:05 to 5:00. It is a quiet place for students to focus on their work while getting guidance from a teacher.