Phone: 531-299-1280


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Valerie Varas


Greetings Viking Family and Friends,

Hello and welcome to Crestridge Magnet! I am proud and honored to serve as the Principal of Crestridge Magnet, home of the Vikings. Our mission at Crestridge is to provide a quality education so that all students are successful learners and responsible citizens with a global perspective.  

As the Principal of Crestridge Magnet, my goal is to build positive and meaningful relationships with all students, families, and staff members. I believe strong relationships will help spur unlimited possibilities for all students. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and your student(s) to provide a caring, student-centered, and safe learning environment that fosters high achievement for all our students in the areas of academic, social relationships, and in their overall emotional well-being.

One of the most important characteristics of an effective school is building strong home-school relationships. Parents are their children’s first teachers. As a staff, we hope to provide a variety of opportunities to help us connect with you and your family. We want families to know that you are always welcome and we encourage you to visit us at school and to become involved. Working together as a team, we can help your child achieve their highest potential. 

I look forward to meeting and collaborating with you. I value your input, so please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.

Go Vikings!

Mrs. Valerie Varas