SIP Attendance Goal
District Intended Attendance Outcomes:
Promote and increase daily student attendance and reduce tardies throughout the school year.
School Attendance Goal: Our school will reduce the percentage of students missing 5% (about 9 days) or more of their school year by 2%.
Strategy(ies) (add AQUESTT Tenets after each strategy):
- Our school will establish and maintain an Attendance Team to consist of the principal, school support liaison, counselor, attendance secretary and other staff appointed by the principalPositive Partnerships, Relationships and Success)
- The Attendance Team will meet bi-weekly to review attendance dashboard data, identify students for intervention, review current active strategies and align additional needed supports(Positive Partnerships, Relationships and Success)
- Implementation of Attendance Mentoring Program (Positive Partnerships, Relationships and Success)
Success Criteria:
- Establish and maintain an Attendance Team to consist of the principal, school support liaison, counselor, attendance secretary and other staff appointed by the principal
- Attendance Team meets bi-weekly to review attendance dashboard data, identify students for intervention, review current active strategies and align additionalneeded supports
Progress Monitoring:
- Attendance Dashboard
- Bi-Weekly attendance team meetings
- Counselor small groups
- SAT Meetings
- Attendance Recognition
Monitor and Adjust –
- Bi-Weekly Attendance Team Meetings
- Quarterly District Attendance Team Meetings
District Intended Summative Outcome:
Increase the number of students scoring Meets or Exceeds on state ELA assessments
School ELA Goal: All students will receive the guaranteed and viable ELA curriculum as written in the A+ OPS Curriculum Guides for ELA using a balanced literacy approach.
Strategy(ies) (add AQUESTT Tenets after each strategy):
- Use the core resources (Journeys, Storytown, Collections, Being A Writer) to plan and deliver instruction based on state standards (College and Career Ready, Assessment)
- Provide daily guided reading instruction using the Literacy Continuum (College and Career Ready, Assessment)
- Provide students with daily literacy opportunities that build rigor during independent reading (College and Career Ready, Assessment)
Success Criteria:
- Teachers’ lesson plans will convey daily ELA instruction based on the A+ OPS Curriculum Guides
- Teachers’ lesson plans reflect evidence of a planned extension activity to reinforce the Whole Group Reading skill of the week
- Teachers teach all components of a guided reading lesson
- Teachers’ guided reading plans show evidence that the Literacy Continuum was an integral part of their planning
- Students receive daily opportunities for higher level thinking and processing during whole group instruction through use of the core resources
- Students engage in daily opportunities for independent reading and rigorous literacy opportunities
Progress Monitoring:
- Running records data to monitor student growth, 2x per quarter per grade level at grade level meeting
- Whole group and guided reading lesson plan checks, 1x per month
- NWEA-MAP Assessment Growth, 1st, 3rd and 4th quarter
- Student summative assessments (required per the A+ OPS Curriculum Guides)
- Goal Setting based on MAP and Benchmark levels and discussed at Grade Level Meetings
- Coaching and Leadership Walks
Monitor and Adjust –
- Goal is monitored and adjusted at the end of each quarter after progress monitoring data is reviewed
- Communicate and discuss adjustments to instruction and progress toward goals at grade level and staff meetings
- Staff will be updated on progress towards the goal once a quarter during staff and/or grade level meetings
- BST meetings focus on reviewing, monitoring and adjusting SIP plan
SIP Math Goal
District Intended Summative Outcome:
Increase the number of students scoring Meets or Exceeds on state Math assessments
School Math Goal: All students will have access to manipulatives on a daily basis during math instruction
Strategy(ies) (add AQUESTT Tenets after each strategy):
- Provide daily cumulative review to foster mastery and retention of math content (Educational Opportunities and Access)
- Provide opportunities for students to share their mathematical thinking and to connect their thinking to multiple representations (College and Career Ready)
Success Criteria:
- Teachers’ lesson plans show evidence of needed manipulatives
- Teachers’ lesson plans show evidence of utilizing CPA
- Teachers and students engage in discourse, making connections among multiple methods
- Students are able to make connections between concrete, pictorial, and abstract representations (CPA)
Progress Monitoring:
- Common summative assessment data is analyzed to monitor student growth
- Math lesson plan checks, 1x per month
- NWEA-MAP Assessment Growth, 1st, 3rd and 4th quarter
- Learning walks during whole group math time to look for daily cumulative review, daily use of manipulatives, multiple representations, and discourse, 1x per quarter with discussion on collected data at grade level meetings
- Goal Setting based on MAP and common summative assessments and discussed at Grade Level Meetings
Monitor and Adjust –
- Goal is monitored and adjusted at the end of each quarter after progress monitoring data is reviewed
- Communicate and discuss adjustments to instruction and progress toward goals at grade level and staff meetings
- BST meetings focus on reviewing, monitoring and adjusting SIP plan
District Behavior and Climate Intended Outcomes:
Engage in ongoing data based decision-making and solution planning to decrease exclusionary discipline practices
School MTSS-B Goal:
Will implement MTSS-B Tier 1 practices and systems with fidelity based on Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) and Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) data
Strategy(ies) (add AQUESTT Tenets after each strategy):
-Create a Schoolwide Behavior Expectations Matrix, Lessons, Visuals and Staff/Student Procedures to implement MTSS-B
-Develop and use the MTSS-B Action Plan to guide and document implementation
Success Criteria:
1. Staff willteach, model and practice behavior expectations using language from the school's Behavior Expectations Matrixusingthe A+ OPS Lesson Plan format
2. Teachers will use a 4 to 1 positive tocorrective ratio when providing feedback on student behaviors
3. Staff will use schoolwideacknowledgement system to reinforce student behavior with specific positive feedback
4. Students will respond to classroom managed behavior strategies, reducing the amount of lost instructional time
Progress Monitoring:
1. Collect data from staff on lessons taught
2. Provide feedback on positive to corrective ratio during coaching visits
3. Collect data on the use of the acknowledgement system
4. Determine trends instudentbehavior using the OPS Behavior Dashboard and other data sources
Monitor and Adjust:
1. Review behavior lesson data and make adjustments
2. Develop a professional development schedule to address areas of concern
3. Monitor and encourage the use of the acknowledgement system
4. Review monthly trends in student behavior and create solution plans
SIP Science Goal
District Intended Summative Outcome:
Increase the number of students scoring Meets or Exceeds on state Science assessments
School Science Goal: All students will receive the guaranteed and viable science curriculum as written in the A+ OPS Curriculum Guides for Science.
Strategy(ies) (add AQUESTT Tenets after each strategy):
- Utilize the A+ OPS Science Curriculum Guide and core resource, Elevate science, to plan and deliver instruction based on state standards. (College and Career Ready)
Success Criteria:
- Teachers’ lesson plans will convey regular science instruction based on A+ Curriculum Guides and Elevate science
- Teachers’ lesson plans will incorporate clear and measureable learning goals
- Teachers will utilize Elevate science to incorporate 3-dimensional learning into their science instruction
- Students will engage in hands on learning experiences that align with the Nebraska’s College and Career Ready Standards for Science
- Students will communicate their learning through science discourse using claims, evidence and justification
Progress Monitoring:
- Regular lesson plan checks for science (quarterly/semester)
- A+ Curriculum Guide pacing/alignment checks for science (grade-level meetings, staff meetings, team plan days)
- Learning walks (leadership team, grade-level teams) once per quarter to observe best practices, learning goals and students engaging in hands on learning
o Discuss and analyze data during team meetings
- Students will perform at proficient or advanced levels on common summative assessments
o Discuss and analyze once a quarter at grade level meetings
- NWEA MAP - Science (grades 3-6); Fall and Winter
o Review growth for each student
Monitor and Adjust –
- Staff will be updated on progress toward the goal at one staff meeting per quarter
o Staff will engage in a conversation regarding any adjustments that might need to be made
- Coaching notes left during science instruction will focus on learning goals, hands on learning, use of the viable curriculum and student discourse
- Professional development supporting the guaranteed and viable curriculum (Elevate science, Realize online resources, 3-dimensional learning)
SIP Wellness Goal
District Intended Wellness Outcomes:
Increase the number of wellness strategies implemented district-wide
School Wellness Goal: Increase school-wide involvement in the wellness activities
Strategy(ies) (add AQUESTT Tenets after each strategy):
- Invite community organizations to present on various topics; e.g. portion control, exercise plan, reducing sugar, smart snacks, etc. during Wellness Fairs or classroom presentations
- Add activities throughout the year to promote wellness: Cup Stacking Tournament, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable, Fuel Up to Play 60, Brain Breaks and Indoor Recess Bags, Staff v Student Volleyball Game
Success Criteria:
- The Wellness Team will meet regularly to plan and promote the events
- Survey students, regarding the wellness activities provided
Progress Monitoring:
- Analyze survey results
- Utilize community resources to increase and promote wellness information
Monitor and Adjust –
- Based on the survey results from first semester make modifications to programs planned for second semester which align with the suggestions offered from the community to encourage participation
- Results will be communicated to school staff
- Proposed changes will be implemented