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Benny's Bulletin
Benny’s Bulletin for December 2024 comes to you from the School Counseling Office at South High
Seniors receive Benny’s Bulletin in their email.
The next ACT Test date is February 8th. It is offered at South High School. Visit to register. ACT Fee Waiver is available for those who qualify for free/reduced lunch. See your counselor for more information
Free ACT Test Practice is available on the ACT Website under ACT Learning Resources.
Senior Success Saturdays will be in the library on December 7 & 14 from 9 am– 11am. Extra help with college applications, scholarships, FAFSA, credit checks, and loans. Parents can attend. Second-semester dates are January 11th and 25th, February 8th and 15th, and March 8th and 29th.
FAFSA applications will open on December 1, 2024. Create a FAFSA account now. Andrea from EducationQuest will be at South to assist seniors and parents on December 13th. See Mrs. Kuhlman to sign up. Visit the EducationQuest website for more help with college planning.
UNO and MCC Admissions and Financial Aid Reps will be available at South High to help seniors and families with FAFSA and answer admissions questions. Seniors need to make an appointment with Mrs. Kuhlman. Dates are January 8, 9, and 10th from 10:30 to 2:00
Credit Recovery is on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 5 PM in the Math Hallway. See Mrs. Gregor with questions
To buy a yearbook, visit the Yearbook Forever Site. The price is $50 only until December 31st.
Tutoring in the library is offered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays until 5 PM.
Save the Date for Graduation on Thursday, May 22, 2025, at 2 PM at Baxter Arena
- The Susan Thompson Buffett Scholarship application is open. Visit Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation for more information and to apply.
- MCC First-Time Student Scholarships for early awarding deadline is December 1, 2024, and for all scholarships, March 1, 2025. Visit MCC Scholarships for more information.
- The Goodrich Scholarship application closes On February 27, 2025. It is for students in need of financial assistance attending the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
- Omaha Public Schools Foundations Scholarship list is available on their website and in the counseling office. Many are offered only to South students. Deadline is March 1, 2024. See Mrs. Buelt in counseling with questions.
- Iowa Western Community College Scholarships deadline is February 10, 2025, for the Presidential Scholarship and Wednesday, April 9, 2025, for others.
- Davis Chambers Scholarship must be postmarked by April 1, 2025. For students planning to attend a community college. Email for more information or an application