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Credit Recovery Guidelines
The purpose of Credit Recovery is to provide opportunities for students to earn credits to meet graduation requirements for courses they have failed. Credit Recovery involves the student retaking the failed course(s) and focusing on the course content standards to demonstrate proficiency on district assessments. The focus is on the proficiency related to course content standards, not seat time.
- Credit Recovery may be delivered in various methods and at a variety of times (e.g., Summer School, Edmentum time).
- Credit Recovery may be delivered in a traditional classroom or through a blended learning experience (in class with an endorsed teacher using online learning modules).
- Teachers who provide credit recovery through online virtual or blended learning must be certified educators endorsed for the course they are teaching.
- Although students may complete online courses before the end of the term, final grades will need to be posted during the standard grading windows.
- The student should follow the appropriate course sequencing.
- Students should not be enrolled in consecutive courses simultaneously (English 1 & English 2).
- Any exception to the three‐course limit must be identified in an individual learning plan, in an alternative program, and approved by the Chief Academic Officer for Curriculum Instruction and Support.
- Students should be enrolled in no more than three online courses at a time.
- Timely teacher content and feedback is essential for student learning.
- Review the Edmentum Credit Accrual and Recovery Practices Handbook for specific guidelines for
- online practices.
Credit Recovery Opportunities
Students that need to recover a Math, English, Social Studies, or Science credit can get back on track for graduation:
- Commit to coming Tuesdays and Thursdays (with school iPad) after school from 3:15-5:00. The late bus leaves at 5.
- See your counselor for the Credit Recovery Agreement.
- Complete the Agreement.
- Turn the contract in to your counselor and wait for an email about when your start date will be.
- Ask your assigned counselor if you have specific questions about your credits and graduation plan.