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Student and Staff Achievements - Nov. 28, 2022
Omaha Public Schools is pleased to recognize the following staff and students for their academic, extracurricular and professional achievements.
- Bryan High Principal Rony Ortega, Ed.D., for being selected by the Nebraska School Counselor Association as their 2022 Administrator of the Year.
- North High upon officially accepting their National Career Academy Coalition Model Academy Certification at the recent NCAC conference in Atlanta, GA.
- The Central High Math Club for winning the UNL Math Day Bowl Tournament for the first time since 1995.
- Central High Senior E Dona-Munoz for being awarded the rating of excellent distinction in Review Writing at the Journalism Education Association National Student Media Contest.
- All Omaha Public Schools students honored with the Seals of Biliteracy from the Nebraska International Language Association.
- Adamaris Avalos-Nieto, South High
- Alina Font, Central High
- Andrea Lemus-Diaz, South High
- Brandon Rojas-Carrera, South High
- Daniel Velasco Urrutia, South High
- Daniela Garcia Mejia, Bryan High
- Diego Rodriguez Contreras, South High
- Emily Huerta-Gomez, South High
- Epiphany Ribeiro-Murray, Central High
- Eroz Ovalle, South High
- Gabriela Ramos, Central High
- Jack Drobny, Central High
- Jesus Hernandez-Rodriguez, South High
- Julissa Valencia-Chavez, South High
- Kimberly Hernandez De La Cruz, Bryan High
- Krisha Gurung, Benson High
- Martin Quintana Avila, South High
- Michelle Montenegro, South High
- Pablo Torres, South High
- Paola Oviedo, South High
- Sarahi Zagal-Silva, South High
- Yenifer Juan Jesus, South High