Springville Campaign of Giving

  • The Springville Campaign of Giving annually extends opportunities beyond conventional classroom settings and regular school hours, fostering a spirit of community and appreciation. Activities such as treats for Family Engagement Events, Staff Appreciation luncheons, attendance and assessment rewards, distribution of Springville gear, and the provision of essential supplies for educators are just a few examples of the initiatives undertaken. These endeavors, enriching the educational experience, are made possible through the generosity of our community's donations and fundraising efforts.


    Each year we have a focused fundraising campaign here at Springville Elementary, with the objective of channeling funds into the Springville Student & Staff Engagement teams through the Omaha Public Schools Foundation. This dedicated account serves as a financial resource for supplementary items, activities, and opportunities that go beyond the scope of our general fund and PTO budgets.


    Springville Student & Staff Engagement Team accounts direct attention towards sustaining the remarkable efforts of our teachers and staff. Recognizing the personal investments made by these educators in terms of both time and money, our campaign aims to provide support. The proceeds garnered will be channeled directly to benefit Springville's teachers, staff, and students.


    The overarching objective of this campaign is to alleviate financial burdens on staff by reimbursing their expenditures on classroom supplies and equipment. Additionally, it seeks to express gratitude to teachers and staff throughout the academic year, offering innovative teaching materials to enhance classroom learning and addressing evolving needs as they arise.


    Thank you for your support and generosity.