Meet Our Leadership Team

Phone: 531-299-1560


Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Piechota

Matthew Piechota is honored to be the principal here at Hartman Elementary, Home of the Hawks! 
Mr. Piechota has been with Omaha Public Schools since 1994. 
During Mr. Piechota's tenure, he has been a 6th grade teacher for 8 years (5 at Mount View Elementary School - 3 at Druid Hill Elementary School), 2.5 months as an OPS Student Personnel Assistant, 4 years as a middle school Assistant Principal (King Science and Technology Magnet), and a building Principal. 10 at Minne Lusa Elementary School - 1 at Saratoga Elementary School - 1 year splitting time at Catlin Arts Magnet and Ponca Elementary School - 4 at Catlin Arts Magnet - and now Hartman Elementary School. 
He has truly enjoyed working with all of these fine school communities.  As an educator, he is committed to the educational process and to being a support for all students and staff. 
His core leadership values: Inclusivity - Honesty - Loyalty - Responsibility.  He looks forward to working with the amazing Hartman community.

Phone: 531-299-1560


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Logeman

Diane Logeman is honored to be the Assistant Principal here at Hartman Elementary, Home of the Hawks! 
Mrs. Logeman has been with Omaha Public Schools since 2000. 
During Mrs. Logeman's tenure, she has taught 6th grade for 9 years at Benson West Elementary, and served on the leadership team at Benson West for an additional 11 years as the Citizenship Facilitator. She has had the privilege of supporting our district's Student Community Service department as a Teacher Leader for the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavior (MTSS-B) during the 2020-2021 school year. During the 2021-2022 school year, she served as the Assistant Principal at Mount View Elementary. 
Mrs. Logeman looks forward to working alongside our families and staff to help inspire our students to learn and grow to become the best they can be.
She is a proud graduate of the Omaha Public School district and is thrilled to be able to encourage and support the students here at Hartman to reach their fullest potential.