Phone: 531-299-1440
Degrees and Certifications:
Dr. Christina Warner
My name is Dr. Christina Warner and I am the proud principal of Franklin Elementary. Franklin Elementary is an inviting school that welcomes all students, their families, and celebrates the richness of diversity they bring.
Our staff works together to develop positive relationships with students and their families to ensure students know they are valued. All staff members hold students to the highest degree of expectations academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally. Teachers are able to increase and maximize classroom instructional time through high expectations and structured procedures and routines.
Teachers collaboratively work towards becoming a highly effective school utilizing data, technology, financial resources, and the use of best teaching practices to meet the needs of each individual student.
Students develop positive self-images through the combined efforts of their families and teachers. Students are motivated to learn and demonstrate the willingness to accept responsibilities for their learning as well as their actions through active participation.
We believe that Every child, Every day, in Every way will experience success.