South High Course Catalog
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Registration Guidelines
Students register in the spring for the following year. A student will have two opportunities to select courses: Students select and finalize courses during spring registration or Following spring registration, students can adjust courses based on conflicts in their schedules
Course changes after the spring are only allowed under the following circumstances:
1. If a course was completed during summer school
2. If a course that was failed during the previous school year
3. If there is a schedule conflict that cannot be adjusted without dropping or changing a course
4. If a student needs to meet graduation requirements
Course Drop Guidelines
Dropping a course after the first 15 days of the semester will result in a grade of “F” which is included in grade point average calculations. Requests to drop a course will be initiated with the school counselor by the student or parent/guardian.
Procedures for withdrawing from a course:
- Conversation with the teacher
- Counselor conferencing with teacher and student
- Problem solving with all effected parties.
*The first step is to navigate through the schedule change. If it is determined that other faculty need to be included, please use the “Schedule Change/Request to Drop a Course” form. Please see School Counseling for a copy of the OPS Schedule Change/Request to Drop a Course form. Use the “Schedule Change/Request to Drop a Course” form as a last resort.
Course Placement Appeals
All Secondary Omaha Public Schools offer procedures for appealing course placement (i.e. AP, Honors, IB, etc.). Each building may have specific forms and deadlines; however, the following general procedures shall apply:
Level One: Counselor, Curriculum Specialist, Assistant Principal/Data, or Principal
A student or parent with a course placement appeal may first discuss the matter with the counselor, or building administrator involved, with the object of resolving the matter informally.
Level Two: Chief Academic Office (Department of Curriculum and Instruction Support)
Suppose the course placement appeal is not resolved at Level One, and the individual still wishes to pursue the appeal. In that case, he/she may formalize the request in writing addressed to the Chief Academic Officer of Curriculum Instruction and Support at 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE 68131.
Level Three: Superintendent Suppose the appeal is not resolved at Level Two and the individual still wishes to pursue the appeal. In that case, he/she may formalize the request to the superintendent of schools after receiving a written response from the Chief Academic Officer of Curriculum Instruction and Support.
These steps shall be taken promptly to accommodate the registration of courses for the school year in question.
Class Release
Seniors and Juniors are eligible for late start or an early release by having all of the following:
1. Be on track for graduation
2. A mode of transportation (does not ride Omaha Public Schools bus)
3. Good attendance (less than 10 days a semester)
4. Seniors must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 classes (4 credits), Juniors can request one period of early release or late start.
5. A form signed by the parent/guardian allowing class release and a phone call to verify the signature and discuss the rules.
Students are expected to leave the building once their classes are done and must have permission to remain in the building if they do not have a class. Class release will be removed from a student’s schedule if rules are violated. This includes but is not limited to: failing classes, not having a ride to or from school, missing more than 10 days, more than 10 tardies to first class of the day, violating school rules.
Students may obtain the release forms in the counseling office and need to be returned to their counselor.
Early Registration
Early registration and class schedule pick-up is available in late July or early August. Families will be contacted by US mail with the dates and times for early registration. Forms and information will be included in this packet for families to complete and return.
New Student Orientation
All new freshmen students to South High will participate in an all-day orientation program the first day of school. Freshmen will follow their schedules, complete school forms, consider their high school plans, learn about school activities, and participate in school spirit activities.
An orientation program for new students entering grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 will also be held before the school year begins.
Credit Recovery Guidelines
The purpose of Credit Recovery is to provide opportunities for students to earn credits to meet graduation requirements for courses they have failed. Credit Recovery involves the student retaking the failed course(s) and focusing on the course content standards to demonstrate proficiency on district assessments. The focus is on the proficiency related to course content standards, not seat time.
- Credit recovery may be delivered in various methods and at a variety of times (e.g., Summer School, Edmentum time after school).
- Credit Recovery may be delivered in a traditional classroom or through a blended learning experience (in class with an endorsed teacher using online learning modules).
- Teachers who provide credit recovery through online/virtual or blended learning must be certified educators endorsed for the course they are teaching.
- Although students may complete online courses before the end of the term, final grades will need to be posted during the standard grading windows.
- The student should follow the appropriate course sequencing.
- Students should not be enrolled in consecutive courses simultaneously (English 1 & English 2).
- Any exception to the three‐course limit must be identified in an individual learning plan, in an alternative program, and approved by the Chief Academic Officer for Curriculum Instruction and Support.
- Students should be enrolled in no more than three online courses at a time.
Timely teacher content and feedback is essential for student learning. Review the Edmentum Credit Accrual and Recovery Practices Handbook for specific guidelines for online practices.
***Credit Recovery at South High is only offered as a self-paced class using online learning modules. Attendance is required. Students will not be allowed to have an early release if they are taking credit recovery.***
College Preparatory Curriculum
Preparation for post-secondary education is a concern for many students. As requirements for admission have become more demanding for all colleges and universities, course selections should be made carefully to support admission to the college of choice. Public and private institutions expect the transcript to show that the student has met certain prerequisites for admission or can qualify under special circumstances as designated by individual colleges/universities. Be aware that requirements do vary by institution and students should consult school catalogs of institutions they may wish to attend as they plan their programs of study.
South High offers Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment opportunities that can enhance the high school experience and may help the student in gaining college credit while in high school. Students are encouraged to participate when eligible and can enroll in AP® courses during the formal registration period. The “AP®” designation on the transcript for each course is contingent upon the authorization of the College Board. Should there be a staff change the course will be reauthorized upon College Board approval. All college credit for Dual Enrollment is dependent on the college.
Summary of the Nebraska University System Core-Course Requirement
Note: 1 unit = 2 South High Credits
University-Wide Requirements
English 4 units
All units must include intensive reading and writing experiences
Mathematics 3 units
Algebra, Advanced Algebra, and Geometry
Social Studies 3 units
1unit of American or World History and 1 additional unit of history, American government or geography
Natural Sciences 3 units
At least 2 units selected from biology, chemistry, physics or earth sciences, 1 of these units must include laboratory instruction
International Language 2 units
Consecutive units must be in the same language. (Some programs at UNL require 4 units.)
Additional Academic Requirements
UNK & UNO- 1 unit chosen from any academic discipline
UNL - Mathematics: 1 additional unit that builds on knowledge of Algebra
TOTAL UNITS: 16 units
In addition to meeting the above core requirements, students must meet at least one of the following:
1. Rank in the top one-half of the graduating class, or
2. Achieve a composite score of 20 or greater on the ACT, or
3. Achieve a total score of 950 or greater on the SAT.