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Parent Pick Up Procedures
Parent Pick-Up Procedures from 3:55 to 4:05 PM
-Park in the west bus loading zone on Maplewood BLVD, across the street in the swim pool parking lots or the church’s parking lots. Please be respectful of their property as a good neighbor to the school.
-Please do not park in the East Bus loading zone, that is reserved for our big bus to take students home on time.
-Please do not park in the drop off loop, that is for our special education buses and daycares.
-Adults, please stand down on the sidewalk by Maplewood BLVD so there is not congestion at the doors.
-For safety reasons, always use the crosswalk with the stop light to ensure no one gets ran over. It is important to model law abiding decision making in front of our students.
-Please do not take your child without contacting the teacher. Our teachers take keeping your child safe seriously. Please help them out, especially since teachers are responsible for 20+ students by making contact with the teacher.
-Our dismissal procedures for students go as followed; if they see the adult in their life they are to get their teachers attention, wait for the teacher to respond, tell the teacher that they see the adult in their life, and the teacher needs to make eye contact or see the adult before the student is to leave the class line. The student will then say a good bye or give a high five to the teacher.
When we all follow the same procedures, things go smooth and everyone is safe!!!