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Student and Staff Achievements: April 15, 2024
Omaha Public Schools is pleased to recognize the following staff and students for their academic, extracurricular and professional achievements:
- Standing Bear Elementary for receiving the 2024 Casey’s Cash for Classroom grant.
- All Omaha Public Schools high schools that placed in the various team categories at the HOSA State Leadership Conference.
- Northwest High
- North High
- Central High
- Benson High
- James Weber of Central High for placing first in the Dental Terminology category at the HOSA State Leadership Conference.
- The Benson High students who won first place in the Community Awareness category at the HOSA State Leadership Conference.
- November Paw
- Ba Blut Moo
- Paw Tha Say
- Ebony Royster of Northwest High for receiving first place in the Nutrition category at the HOSA State Leadership Conference.
- All Omaha Public Schools high schools that placed in team categories at the 67th annual State Career Development Conference.
- Benson High
- Bryan High
- Burke High
- Central High
- Hafsa Osman of Central High for winning first place in the Marketing category at the DECA State Conference.