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#OPSProud Week Showcases Exceptional Opportunities and Joy
From an elementary classroom filled with kids learning to play the violin to award-winning college and career programming at our high schools, Omaha Public Schools offers diverse educational opportunities.
“We have the opportunity and the capacity to give our students something a little extra,” said Tyler Hottovy, Catlin Elementary principal.
This week, our district shined a spotlight on the many things that make Omaha Public Schools a great place to learn and work as we celebrated #OPSProud Week. One week is set aside each year as a district-wide initiative to showcase pride and joy within the community. It began in 2017 as part of a goal for our district to lift up student and staff achievements and share our district’s story more broadly.
Five years later, staff, students, families and community members join the annual celebration by spotlighting what makes them #OPSProud.
Milaysia Smith attends Benson High, a school that received national recognition for its exceptional programming. She participated in #OPSProud Week by noting her appreciation for the variety of experiences available to students.
“I’m #OPSProud because we can try new things and have so many opportunities,” said Smith. “And you’re able to be yourself.”
Smith is one of many who took the time to share their thoughts during #OPSProud Week. Others posted on social media, highlighting the pride within our schools and programs.
“When kids come to a school where the staff cares about them, they feel more connected with them. They want to come and be engaged in lessons, and they’ll want to show off their success, which is amazing,” said Andrew Karmazin, Bryan Middle principal.
Omaha Public Schools is the largest and most diverse district in Nebraska, with more than 7,000 employees serving nearly 52,000 students. We invite you to learn more about our district through our Points of Pride and encourage you to join us throughout the year to share what makes you #OPSProud.